Chapter 11: I Always Get Shot When I'm In The Bayou

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Hayley, Ophira and Eve are in their shack, where Eve is helping Hayley prepare for giving birth]

EVE: That's it. Inhale and release.HAYLEY: I guess this means no epidural, huh? You sure I can't do this thing in, say, a hospital? The place with the doctors and the drugs?EVE: Honey, the werewolves have been having babies out here since before you were born. Stop worrying.
OPHIRA: [giggled] Sorry Klaus made this comment the other day about no child of his will be born in a swamp.HAYLEY: Okay. Then what, I don't even know what it's like to have a mother, let alone be one.EVE: Trust me, when the time comes, you'll know exactly what to do.HAYLEY: I hope so. As fun as it is to image Klaus changing dirty diapers, I'm pretty sure that I'll be doing this alone.EVE: I somehow doubt that.
OPHIRA: I'll write a spell for it. 

[Elijah arrives at the doorway]

ELIJAH: Pardon the interruption. I wonder if I might have a quick word with the conspirators of a supposed uprising.

[Later, Elijah meets with Jackson and Oliver, along with Eve, Ophira and Hayley]

ELIJAH: You're making a grave mistake.OLIVER: So, you're just worried about us. Is that it?JACKSON: Look, Elijah. We know all about your brother's reputation, but if there is even a chance that these rings can help us take control of our curse --OLIVER: [interrupts him] -- Our gift --JACKSON: --Then, honestly, we don't care what he's really after. Won't have to.ELIJAH: I see. There are those in the Quarter who will consider this a great provocation.OLIVER: Apparently, most of them see us breathing the same way.ELIJAH: [to Hayley] You signed a pledge, and you looked me in the eye as you did so.HAYLEY: We don't want a fight, Elijah. We just want a better life.ELIJAH: Allegiance with my brother will guarantee you anything but that.

[They hear the sound of a motorbike approaching, and cut their argument short to go see who it is]

OPHIRA: Somethings wrong

JACKSON: What the hell?

[Outside, a man on a motorbike rides into the encampment and stops as the group approach him]

MAN: Which one of you is in charge?JACKSON: Who's asking?

[Elijah notices something off about the man, and reflexively tackles him, just as the motorbike explodes. Everyone is thrown backwards in the blast]


[Elijah picks himself up off the ground. His clothes and skin are all singed and covered in ash. It takes a moment for Elijah's ears to heal enough to hear anything. He sees injured people all around him stumbling around, including Jackson, Oliver, and Hayley]

OLIVER: Hayley, are you okay?

[Hayley gets up quickly and runs over to where everyone else is. She sees a little boy standing next to a severely injured man, and immediately runs over to help]

HAYLEY: [picks up the child] It's ok. Here. Come here. Oh, God. Jackson? Here. Get him away from here.JACKSON: [takes the child and walks away] Come on.ELIJAH: Hayley.HAYLEY: Elijah. Where's Fera?
OPHIRA: I'm right here [she says with a piece of shrapnel in her shoulder]
[Elijah bites his writs and Ophira drinks his blood, pulls out the shrapnel and she heals]ELIJAH: Wolfsbane.HAYLEY: It must have been in the gas tank. You're the fastest. Take him, anyone else who can't walk on their own. [Elijah looks at Hayley in concern] It's okay, Elijah. I'm fine. They need your help.

OLIVER: Where the hell are you going?

HAYLEY: If this was vampires, I'm pretty sure that I can guess who gave the order. I'm gonna go find Marcel.

[She grabs a tree branch from the ground and breaks it into a stake before leaving]

JACKSON: It's a good thing that bomb went off where it did. Could've been a lot worse. We all could've got killed.

[The two walk where the entirety of the Bayou wolves have congregated after the explosion, tending to the wounded and dead. Elijah considers Jackson's words for a minute, and his eyes grow wide in panic]

ELIJAH: Unless... [He notices a bomb planted under an RV nearby] Get everyone out of here! Now!
[Ophira runs deep into the forest]

[Eight different explosions go off from various points in the encampments, damaging numerous people. Just as Elijah begins tending to the newly injured, another explosion, this one much larger, goes off right behind him, so he dives over a man to protect him]

[Jackson, Oliver and Elijah bring Eve into her shack and lay her in her bed. Ophira follows]

EVE: Ahhhh. Oh, no.ELIJAH: [examine's Eve's injuries] That wound should be healing by now.OLIVER: She never killed anyone, never activated the werewolf gene. So she can't heal, not like us.ELIJAH: My blood, it could heal her.OLIVER: Vampire blood? Trust me, she'd rather die. [beat] Look, we can't just let them get away with this.JACKSON: [stands] We don't even know who's to blame.OLIVER: The hell we don't! And if we don't fight back, they'll just do it again.
[Jackson stands defiantly against him, and Oliver, frustrated, runs out of the shack]

OPHIRA: I can do a spell to speed up her healing. 
[The three boys look at each other]
JACKSON: Yeah do it Ophira.
[Ophira puts her hands to the wound and chants.]
OPHIRA: Phesmatos quo sanguis supprimitur, phesmatos quo sanguis supprimitur, phesmatos quo sanguis supprimitur. 
Later... at the Lycée

[Klaus visits Genevieve at the lycée after leaving Cami and Kieran]

GENEVIEVE: I'm surprised to see you here.KLAUS: The Bayou explosion, the attack on my unborn child and my daughter. Tell me what you know.GENEVIEVE: I know the wolves have no shortage of enemies. Marcel, for one.KLAUS: Marcel wouldn't stoop so low. The witches, however... I have witnessed firsthand the depths of your cruelty.GENEVIEVE: You don't think I did this? What kind of monster do you take me for? How ugly I must seem next to the pure, innocent glow of your precious Camille. So sad about her uncle, by the way.KLAUS: Kieran is in transition. He has been released from the hex.GENEVIEVE: A hex of that magnitude? Kieran's hex will return... If it hasn't already.

Later... at the Bayou

[Hayley cries and kisses Eve's hand before leaving the shack. Ophira enters the shack.]

OPHIRA: What happened?

HAYLEY: She's dead Fera.

OPHIRA: No, no, no the spell was working, I did the spell right.

[Hayley and Ophira hugged crying and comforting each other. ]

At The Mikaelson Compound

Klaus and Ophira joins Elijah in the study

KLAUS: First Marcel's massacre, now bombs in the Bayou. I'll assume you're ready to give up this doomed treaty.ELIJAH: This alliance with the wolves, well... If it is to succeed, I believe you'll want this.

[He hands Klaus Esther's grimoire]

KLAUS: Seems I have Hayley to thank for your change of heart.
OPHIRA: Can I take a look at that.
KLAUS: Absolutely not. ELIJAH: [pours them drinks] The rifts in this city run far deeper than I even imagined, Niklaus. These tribes, these factions-- they're families, families who choose to fight. Mayhem has descended upon our home, and if I'm to choose a side... [He hands Klaus a drink, and holds his out to toast them] To our victory, brother. [Ophira holds up a glass a water they click glasses]
OPHIRA: Always and Forever
ALL THREE OF THEM: Always and Forever

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