Day 102

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"So glad you are awake," he whispered into my ear even though my eyes hadn't opened. He knew I was up. He always knew when I was awake and he always was awake before me. Another reason that escape was impossible. He kissed my cheek and continued, "Now we can really have some fun," as he rolled me over to face him.

I opened my eyes to meet his devious ones. I hated that phrase, the phrase he spoke so often, "Let's have some fun." I wasn't looking forward to this "fun" he spoke of. "Fun" usually consisted of pain and death and I wanted no part of it. And to think it meant the past two days had meant nothing to him. That he was just itching to kill again.

"What do you have in mind," I asked almost already knowing the answer as his hand came up to cup my face. His thumb began to gently caress my jawline as he brought his lips to mine and planted a kiss there.

I kissed back, knowing I had to put emotion into it or suffer for my lack of enthusiasm.

He pulled me closer and I could feel his growing arousal and had to stop myself from stiffening at it growing against my stomach.

He pulled away and bit his lip.

"It's a surprise my love," he told me and kissed me head before getting out of bed, not bothering to hide his sculpted naked form so I avert my eyes to the ceiling.

I have to hide the gulp forming in my throat. I have never hated surprises more in my life

"Get out of bed sweetheart," he says but I can hear the bite of frustration and urgency in his voice that I had not followed his lead like I was supposed to.

I tried to get out of bed holding the sheet against my own naked body which he promptly ripped from my body leaving me there hunched over to cover up.

"Alanna, you are testing my patience," he growled at me from the other side of the bed.

"I-I'm sorry," I stutter and stand straight.

"Again," he demands.

"I'm sorry," I say as smoothly as possibly knowing he hates when I stutter, stammer, mumble, or whisper.

"Better," he huffs and throws on his clothes.

I stand and wait until he hands me a yellow dress with small pink flowers on it.

I pull it on quickly knowing like always I won't receive a bra or panties and follow after him out the bedroom and down the stairs and into the kitchen.

I stop three steps behind him when he stops, carefully not to be too far, but carefully not to be too close.

"Take a seat in the dining room," he tells me as he opens the fridge and begins to take out various items.

I nod and comply walking to my seat at the dining room table and wait.

The urge to escape is there, but the urge to survive is stronger. I had tried this type of escape before and I knew the consequences of it.

I waited and listened to him take things out of the fridge and place items on the counter. I listened as his footsteps neared me and gasped in fear when a bit of black silk came from behind me and over my eyes.

My hand shot up quickly to stop it, but a harsh grasp landed upon my wrist pulling it so far back my shoulder strained, fearing it would pop out of place I forced myself to still.

He clicked his tongue behind me before dropping my wrist that fell hard against the chair and then proceeded to tie the silk around my head to shield my eyes.

"You still don't trust me Alanna. What a shame, I trust you," he whispered into my ear.

"Then why the blind fold," I said slowly so I wouldn't fumble on my words and release a hideous stammer into the air.

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