Chapter 4~His favorite spot

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Grace and Casey jammed out in the car. "So I should be taking you home, do you work tomorrow" he asked. "No" she responded. "Tonight, I didn't get to take you to my spot but tomorrow I will" he said mysteriously. "Pick me up at lunch tomorrow" she said. He drove her to her car, and she made sure he had her address. She could barely sleep that night constantly thinking of Casey and his mysterious favorite spot. Grace woke up, helped with the farm and got ready. She put her blonde hair in a long braid and did her make up just right. When Casey finally picked her up he was wearing nice jeans and a cowboy hat. He also was rocking a tight blue long sleeve shirt that seemed to fit his muscles just right. She got in and they went to a house in the middle of no where. "Who's house is this" Grace asked. "My grandparents" he responded. The house had a huge farm and lots of land. Everything was simple and perfect for an older couple. "This is beautiful" Grace said walking around. "We are not there yet" he said chuckling to himself. "Just right up this path" Casey said as him and Grace walk to his spot. "We have been walking for a mile" she wheezed. Grace was out of breath but trying not to show it. She was still self conscious over her weight and thought he might think she's out of shape. Which honestly she was. They finally got to a huge meadow of daisies. A large rock rested in the center. Everything smelled fresh and sweet. She could hear birds chirping and bees buzzing. This place was a heaven on earth. "Let's sit on that rock" he said. They walked and sat down. "What did you want to talk about" Grace asked. "So the reason I brought you here is because this is where I rode my first horse. I wouldn't ride him anywhere else incase I fell. His name was Poncho, he was the best horse" he said tearing up. Grace placed her hand on his. "He died when my horse trailer flipped on ice a couple winters ago" he sighed. "He sounds like a good horse. He probably loved you so much" Grace assured him. "Everything that's been happening lately is my fault. I agreed to a open relationship and my wife started sleeping with my best friend and I couldn't say anything. We got a divorce because I didn't want a open relationship anymore. I want something real and passionate. At the same time I once thought she was the love of my life, so it's hard." He said. "That's understandable, people change and grow. Your grew and decided you want something different. Hold those memories y'all have together because when y'all need each other most, y'all can still be friends. You share memories with each other that no one else has the luxury of having ." She said. She looked up and met his eyes. They were so sparkly from him crying. She wiped a tear from his face. "Don't think of it as loosing your wife, think of it as starting your future" she smiled. He leaned in and hugged her tightly. She felt a fluttering feeling in her stomach and tried not to get mesmerized by his amazing smelling cologne. "I'm sorry you just look really pretty right now, I hope you know that." He said tucking a piece of hair behind her ear. He leaned in closer and closer to her face. "Let's go get something to eat" whispered so close she could feel his breath on her lips. He then pulled away drawing her breath with his. He held out his hand to help her up. "Can you do a cartwheel" he asked. "Of course I do" she laughed. "Prove it" he provoked. "Bet you won't" he taunted. She then did a cartwheel. *snap* "ow my leg" she cried out. He reached to lift her up, but she pulled away quickly not wanting him to feel how heavy she was. "Can you walk" he asked. "I don't think so" she responded crying. He called a ambulance. "I have to get you to the house" he said. "Don't pick me up" she responded. "It's okay, I won't drop you" he responded. Still crying she looked at him. "I don't know if you can see it or not but I'm not like your wife. I'm fat. I've always been fat. I'll always be fat. I am out of shape and I like cheese burgers. I am also sexy as fuck so don't get me wrong I love my self. I just don't think you can lift me" she said. "Trust me I got you" he smiled. He helped her off the ground and lifted her up. He walked down the mile long trail and met the ambulance. When she got to the hospital, the doctors took X-rays of her leg. "Yes it is broken, you will need a cast for 6 to 8 weeks" the doctor said. Casey looked over at Grace in the private room. "I'm so sorry you got hurt" he said. "It's okay I'm clumsy. So how are you gonna make this up to me" she asked. "I guess you will have to see this weekend" he replied. Grace used her crutches to walk in the house where her mother and father eating in the dining room. "Oh my gosh what happened" her mother said as she jumped up. "I'm okay mom I broke my leg but it was an accident" she said calmly. "I'm going to bed it's been a long day and the pain killers are wearing off" she said walking up stairs. That night Grace was very happy about their talk. She couldn't help but wonder if he likes her. Probably not since she made a fool of herself and broke her leg. *Ding* A message from Casey popped up. "Had a great time! Can't wait to see you again! He texted with a smiley face. She texted back goodnight and turned her light off to go to bed. *ding* she checked her phone. Another text from Casey appeared on the screen. "Your not fat. I'm sorry I made you feel self conscious earlier. That was not my attention. When I see you, I don't see any fat. I see a strong plus sized woman, with a strong work ethic and a kind heart. Okay now I can go to bed, just wanted to get that off my chest. Good night." He texted. Grace smiled, put her phone down and went to bed.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 29, 2021 ⏰

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