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I IGNORED HER WORDS SHE JUST SAID, and looked up, to see her glaring at me with her eyes. I didn't know this was her pencil but I'm glad it belongs to her. I got up from my seat and dusted my pants

 I got up from my seat and dusted my pants

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I was walking in the middle of the road, feeling my headache. I should take Tylenol before going to bed. I saw an empty can of juice, I kicked it hard

I heard footsteps few feet away from me, I followed behind, the person started to run making me run too. Was it some kind of kidnapper?

Suddenly I stopped, "Dang it" I cursed the chewing gum which was sticking in my shoes. The footsteps were long gone

My eyes fall on the thing which was lying on the ground. It was a pencil. I picked it up and looked around. I was going to throw it but something inside me told me not to. So taking the suggestion of my brain I kept it

"Mom I'm home" She peeked through the kitchen and run towards me, "Where were you? I was waiting for you" I kissed her cheeks and made her sit on the sofa

"From now on, don't wait for me. Where is Dad?" I asked her

"He is working on some office project," I nodded, "Dinner is ready" Mom served me the pasta, which was looking delicious as always

After dinner, I went to my room. I went to my window and started gazing at Jisoo's balcony. It was so close, that we can just jump from this side to that. The safety we have is insane. Thank God there isn't some psychopath living in this area unless we'd be dead meat by now but who knows?

I closed my curtains when I saw her coming to her balcony, plopping myself on the bed I closed my eyes


"Can you please give me my pencil back?" Her voice surprised me. She hasn't talked like this to me ever since that argument

"Nope," I replied popping the 'p'. She slapped my desk hard making Jungkook, her own brother flinch beside me, every single pair of eyes were laid on us

"Jisoo and Taehyung detention after class" The teacher yelled at the both of us. Jisoo went back to her seat

We attended all the classes. It was now the time for our detention. I sighed and walked inside the class only to find no teacher there. Jisoo was leaning against the window with her eyes closed. Her brown hair falling on her face. My hands were itching to tug it behind her ear. I went to the back of the classroom. She must've listened to my footsteps because the next moment she took a glimpse of me

"Look. I don't know what fun you're getting after taking my pencil but that is my lucky charm and I don't want you to use it" her voice was sounding tired. She put her head on the desk. Her ears were red, she was having a fever

"Jisoo? You should go home" I shook her shoulder, slightly putting my weight on my left leg, "Don't. Just fuck off" She hissed at me. Her words made me angry, I took my backpack and left from there

I was passing the main gate, when a thought passed through my head, "I should give her the pencil. After this we can again go back to ignore each other's existence" I muttered to myself

I turned around and made my way to the detention room again. My ears perked up when I hear screams from inside the detention room. I went closer, "Please let me g-go" It was Jisoo

I pushed the door but it was closed, "Shut up. I just want some fun" My blood boiled listening to the words

I break open the door, our detention teacher was grabbing Jisoo by her hair. The picture of Jisoo in front of me made my heart stop. Her shirt was torn apart with her skirt slightly ridden up her thigh. Her hair was all over her shoulder while her face was stained with tears

"Pretty boy. Just leave from here" He tried to push me but I punched him hard on his jaw, "HOW DARE YOU TOUCH HER?" I punched him till I hear the crack sound of his nose. My hands were punching him uncountably. A sob made me look up to Jisoo

"Jisoo?" I softly called out for her but she flinched when I touched her hands, "Don't worry I'm here"

"Did he touch you anywhere?" she shook her head but pointed to her neck where a red mark was formed, "H-He beat me w-with the sc-scale" This made me lose my mind. I again punched the bastard hard. He grunted in pain

"You don't touch any girl without her permission" I gave my sweater to Jisoo who was shivering in fear, "What is happening in here?" My jaw clenched at the sight of the principal who came inside the room

"Do you even have any idea what happens behind your back? This bastard here touched her and you don't know this" He looked at me wide-eyed, "I'll call the police"

I picked up Jisoo's bag and helped her outside the school's garden. She was not responding to any of my words. I can't see her like this. I put my hands on both her shoulders and shook her hard. She blinked at me and tears started to stream down her face. Not knowing what to do, I put my hands on her back hugging her, her hands encircled my waist. I whispered soothing words into her ears. My shirt was soaked from her tears

"Sorry for wasting your time. I'll j-just leave," before I can stop her she was already running away from me

I quickly followed behind her, making sure that she'll be fine without me. Sweat was dripping from her face, I just hope she'll take medicines for her fever

She opened the main gate of her house and looked behind, I hid behind the pole not wanting her to think of me as some creepy stalker

She opened the main gate of her house and looked behind, I hid behind the pole not wanting her to think of me as some creepy stalker

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