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[You are at the last chapter. Thank you for reading this book. Do let me know your honest opinions on this story. I'm working on a new book. Hopefully I'll soon publish it. Anyways 'Pencil' is #2 in taesoo. I love y'all so much]

 I love y'all so much]

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The tears of happiness leaked from my eyes when I saw Irene Unnie and Jin Oppa holding each other's hands to swap the rings. I was not a dramatic person but I think this was the second happiest moment in my life. The first would be kissing Taehyung. Speaking about Taehyung, he seems to be a little clingy nowadays. Not that I don't like it. I love it, he was like a baby who needs attention and love

"Three years back, they hated each other. I wonder how the hell hate turns into love" Jungkook took the chair beside me, he was munching on some cookies, "Can you stop eating?"

He shook his head, "They are engaging because they want to and I'm eating because I want to" A laugh slips from my mouth hearing his excuse, "You are just wow"

"I know right. Btw you remember the time you asked me who'd marry first. I now think it's gonna be you for sure" He said making me shoot glares at him, "How come?"

"Now you also have a boyfriend"

"Irene Noona is too sweet for Jin Hyung" He suddenly said, I hit him with my purse, "They both are sweet"

"Find me a boyfriend please" Lisa came rushing towards me with a flower bouquet, "Rejecting 15 boys is not a joke and now you are asking me to find you a boyfriend?"

"C'mon they were not good enough for me. I want someone like Jin Oppa. He is sweet and smart. Most importantly he can cook"

"Don't worry Lisa. I'm sure you'll find someone better" Irene Unnie put her hands on Lisa's shoulder, "You guys are looking beautiful"

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