Episode 2 - Curiosity

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The telephone was ringing. Kavin picked up the phone observing why it is ringing. He later put the phone on his ears and got surprised by the sound.

"What's this? It's speaking!" Kavin said.

Is he serious? He doesn't know what telephone is.

I replied "What? It's a telephone."

"What's Teleph.."

"Telephone. A telephone is what you are holding now. It's where you can communicate or talk with someone. It's speaking because there is someone behind that phone talking to you."

The caller spoke again and said hello. Kavin was surprised again.

"It's talking to me again. I haven't heard this thing before. It's cool!" Kavin replied.

"Give me that!"  I took the telephone from him.

"Hello?" I said.

"Oh hi? who's this?" the caller said.

"What? You called me. I should be the one who ask that."

"Oh sorry wrong number. I didn't mean to bother you. I apologize."

I rolled my eyes and hangs up the phone. "Wrong number!"

"What does it say?" Kavin asks.

"Nothing. Forget it. Just call Third and bring him to school on time. It's 15 minutes from here and it is still early so you will arrive on time. Wait for him until his class is done okay?"


"Don't let him talk to anyone except me and you. Again my son's name is Third."

"I know."

"You know?"

"Mmm I heard you always talk about him when you were creating me."

"Oh got it. Take care of him. I'll go upstairs to shower."


"I'm going to work!"

"Can I come?"

"No. Stay with Third. That's your job. Babysitting my son is your job from now on. You understand?"

"I understand."

"Good. I'll go ahead!" I leave him alone downstairs waiting for Third to go down.

After 10 minutes Third is all set. He is heading downstairs to eat and now he can go.

He asks his Mom who is the guy in their house.

"Mamu, who is this guy here?" Third shouted.

"Oh that's your babysitter from now on baby. He will take care of you." Love shouted from distance.

"Okay!" Third replied.

Third approached him and asks for his name.

"Who are you? My mother said you will be my babysitter from now on." Third asks.

Kavin nodded and replied "I'm Kavin. Your babysitter. I'll take care of you and protect you. I'll bring you to school and will wait for you until your class ends. That's what mother said."

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