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Mr Kok POV

Walking up to the Japanese classroom was a mistake.

I got here too early and now it was awkward.

I knew Timothy (Note: YOU SHOULD KNOW HIS FIRST NAME BY NOW) was shy and didn't like talking in front of the students. But I didn't know why.

I gave myself a mental note to ask him another time.

Just after I ended my short conversations with a few of the students the bell finally rang.

"Okay, class. Sayonara"

"Sayonara", the students chanted back in unison.

The students ran outside saying goodbye to us (Note: Yes I know they just said sayonara but did that stop us from saying bye twice? NOPE) a few of them ending their conversation with Mr Sun before running out of the classroom as well.

Now all I had to do was come up with an excuse as to why I came.

"And what brings you here?"

"I-i was just gonna ask you a question but it-uhh-seems I have forgotten it".

"Oh okay".

Walking towards me with pink-tinged cheeks. He stopped in front of me.

"Would you like to go to a manga store with me?"

Note: Look at that I added the first part of the deal. What a good girl I am. -Oop that was weirdly sexual.

Why is everything sexual nowadays sigh. Well I mean even though I am a huge part of the problem. Aha.

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