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Note: Happy Birthday to my first child, mwah just for you

Mr Sun's POV

Dear Diary, (Note: Mr Sun totally owns a diary. You can't even argue with me. If so text me I will argue back. You have been warned)

I am very confused. At first, I liked the idea of being with Jacob. But now I don't know.

He's still nice but I don't like the idea of him breaking up with his girlfriend for me.

It just doesn't sit right with me.

But is it my fault in the future if I don't take this chance?

Will I regret it???

I hope not

But I don't think I could deal with it and it does go against my morals.

I should text him and ask him to meet up

Mr Trumpet✨

Hey, do you want to meet up? to talk about. you know.


what time?

Is five minutes alright?

~ Time skip 5 minutes ~

The breeze blew my hair all around my face

Adding to the leaves being blown around as well...

A great atmosphere to be doing this

A tall blacktopped man is in the distance on his phone

and as I'm walking up to him

about 15 steps away

he looks up,

and gives me a sad smile

"Heyyyyy", I awkwardly slid in front of him

"Hi", he said with the same sad smile

"Wanna go get coffee?"

The closest cafe was the one that we had gone to before (Note: One of the other chapters has a cafe. They're in the same place)

"Uhhh sooo, about the kiss..."


"I'm sorry I can't accept it. As much as I'd like to. It just doesn't agree with my morals. I'm so sorry"

And for the rest of the 10 minutes, we just sat there and sipped our coffee.

Note: I'm still leaving you on a cliffhanger cause I can't think of what to add lol

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