Chapter 1

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Footsteps can be heard as the class held their breaths.

The door opened, revealing a black haired guy in his 30's, black eyes and a wide smile plastered on his face.

Isogai gripped on something harder, his nerves getting the best of him.

The man placed the attendance book on the teacher's table and leaned on it. He turned to Nagisa and nodded. Nagisa cleared his throat and stood up.


Guns were revealed.


They aim their guns.


And the gunfire begun.

The black haired teacher gave a toothy grin as he saw the aqua colored pellets zoom into him. When the pellet was about to hit him, he moved at Mach 20, successfully avoiding the pellets.

"Won't you look at that, how fun! Now say 'here' when I call your name. Feel free to continue shooting." The teacher said as he avoid all the pellets.



"Speak up, Akabane-kun!"







"Here, sir!"






"Here, sir!"

The rest of the class got called for attendance, the students occasionally moving to reload their guns before shooting again.

|Mini Time Skip|

"...and that's all. Great! Everyone is here for the third time!" The class panted and sighed in exhaustion. The teacher chuckled at their states.

"Korogane-sensei, you're too fast!" Rio whined as she stretched her arms above her head, earning a popping sound making others cringe.

"I finally got to join a shoot out!" Karma exclaimed while grinning making some sweatdrop and others laugh.

"You remind us too much of our teacher back at junior high." Sugino muttered as he aimed the pellet gun, but didn't shoot.

Korogane-sensei just smiled at him before clapping his hands.

"Right, let's hide our firearms and start class, hmm? You're all here together after all." The class groaned as they put away their guns and took out their writing materials.

Nagisa sighed and sat on his chair, putting back the pistol in his school bag before looking out of the window.

We....are assassins. And we're once again tasked to kill our teacher. And we're doing it at Tokyo Metropolitan Advanced Nurturing High School!

Nagisa then looked back to the front of the classroom where Korogane-sensei was teaching.

How did we get ourselves in this situation?


-A week before opening ceremony-

Class 3-E was gathered at the Class 3-E building, which they just recently bought with the money they received.

Elites meet Assassins in a ClassroomWhere stories live. Discover now