Meeting you 1

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She was genuinely overwhelmed by everything in her life right now. When she was in captivity in those six years, all she dreamt about was returning home and living a normal life. However, it feels like she will never have normal again. She has her own apartment now. And that should be a big step for her. It should feel amazing, a sense of normal that she wanted so much. But all she does is sit at home. She doesn't go anywhere, doesn't do anything, and does not talk to anyone. Her dad drops of a few containers of food every other day. Making sure she has something to eat, but most of the time it ends up molding because she just can't get herself to eat enough. She goes grocery shopping once a month with Jack. Trying to avoid going anywhere, because every time she sets a foot outside her apartment people are staring at her, and whispering not so obviously... It gets too much sometimes. She had her own apartment for about four months now, but Flynn never visited her there. Alice wasn't sure if that's a good idea. And if she was being honest with herself, neither was she. Panic attacks come and go, some are worse than others, but she doesn't want Flynn to see her like that. He already has to go to therapy.

Sometimes she leaves her apartment at night, when she knows that most people are already at home, tucked in bed. Her sleep schedule is a mess anyway. Her normal bedtime is around 4 in the morning. Emily never thought that the dark once might scare her. Maybe that's why they say, never say never. She found this place a few weeks ago. It's far enough from the inner city, but still close enough if she needed some alone time in a quiet corner. As she made her way to the top, she found another car there. A guy was standing in front of the car seemingly lost in thoughts. Emily wasn't sure if he even heard her car park behind his.

„I thought I was the only one knowing about this place." – She said as she approached him.

He then turned around and looked at her confused. He was tall and had a nice frame. Wearing dark jeans and a leather jacket, while holding a bottle of beer in his right hand. „Yeah, I thought that too."

Neither of them knew what to do next. He seemed relaxed but sad. She wasn't sure what to make out of that, but he didn't seem like a threat. Usually, she avoids people as best she can, but she really loves this place, and was hoping that he will leave soon. „Do you mind if I stay?"

„No." – That's all he said, as he turned back around, facing the city. He leaned on his car and took another sip of his beer.

She had a bottle of vodka in her car. She was planning on drinking that in her own company, but she didn't know who the guy was. Maybe he was a cop... It was a bit awkward as she had to go up beside him to have a view of the city. Which is the main reason why she goes there sometimes. Boston is beautiful day and night, but far away with all its lights on... It hits different. They were far enough not to hear any noise of the city. Sirens, cars, people shouting. It was quiet and calm.
She said nothing as she stood a few feet away from him, just stared blankly.

„You know... We don't know each other, but I'm not planning on leaving yet, so you might as well grab a beer from my trunk and join me. It's a bit awkward standing here like this."

„You don't mind?" – She asked.

Not saying anything, he just nodded towards his trunk and took another sip of his drink. Taking that as a no, she took a bottle out of the pack. Realizing she didn't have a bottle opener she hesitated what to do, but before she could make up her mind, he grabbed the bottle and opened it for her. „ Thank you." – She said quietly.

Standing there with a stranger, drinking cheap beers proved to be nicer than she thought. He didn't say much, but his presence somehow seemed calming. Almost as if he was a stranger she could dump all of her problems and he would listen... At the same time, he seemed like he needed to vent too. It was clear that he was sad. Coming to a place like that just to drink beer? He probably didn't have many friends. „You're not a cop, right?" – She asked after a few sips. The last thing she wanted was to drink with a cop. God knows, she had enough bad luck with them...

„Please don't tell me I look like one." – He said without taking his eyes off of the city. That made her laugh. He didn't look like a cop, but she also wasn't sure what he looked like.

„You don't, I was just..."

He looked at her with a soft smile. He really was handsome. She was unsure of the color of his eyes, as they seemed like all of the colors in one. A little bit of blue, green and brown. The lack of light didn't help her to see more of his features. But she could tell he was handsome. His voice was calm and soothing. So was his presence.

„I'm not sure if I should tell you what I do for living. Some people hate my field of work. But I will tell you this, you're not far from it."

And that's when it hit her. „Oh my god. Are you working for the bureau?"

He looked at her she had seven heads. „Well you guessed it really fast."

She laughed and took a step away from him. „I don't know if that's better or worse than being a cop."

„Oh really, why is that?"

It made sense after all. He probably wore suits at work and he couldn't wait to get home at the end of the day and put on comfy clothes. Like a pair of jeans and a soft T-shirt with his favorite leather jacket. He seemed intelligent, smart. Not the typical FBI agent. „I... You don't know me, do you?" – She asked.

He looked surprised by her question, but it only took him a moment to push himself off the hood and stand right in front of her. She felt uncomfortable as he observed her. He looked her up and down. His eyes lingered on the scar on her forehead for a second too long.

He smiled at her with compassion in his eyes. Almost as if wanted to say I'm sorry that happened to you. He nodded and retook his place on the hood. „I've only been at the Boston Office for two months." – Why was he telling her that? Suddenly his posture dropped and he sighed deeply before reaching for another bottle of beer.

„But you've been an agent somewhere else?"

„Well yes. I'm from Wisconsin originally. I decided to join the bureau in Milwaukee after I came back from the Middle East."

„Middle East. So you were in the military..." – She said, more to herself than to him.

„Navy." – He corrected.

It made complete sense to her now. He made sense. „Thank you for your service." – He looked at her with a frown. She's aware of how cliché that sounded, and in awkwardness, you laugh. „My dad was in the military and he thought me to thank everyone who served. If I have the chance." - She explained. „But why did you tell me all this?" – She was still confused.

„Because I know about your case. And if I was working in this office at the time, it would have been different."

They spent another hour talking and drinking beer in the middle of nowhere on top of the hill. As it turns out they both knew the place, and often go there when they need some time off from everything. They were able to talk about anything, and it wasn't a forced conversation. One that flows with ease... In the end, they exchanged numbers before parting. 

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