Part 2 "should have listened to my instinct"

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After a uncomfortable night of hardly any sleep, due to the fact that all night I heard howling and branches braking outside the cabins. I could feel my eye's burning from being tired and dryness making them red, but can't go back now. Everyone else was already up before I was. Sarah, Tiffany, Doug, and Lee all went off to get started on exploring the forest around. All the beautiful scenery and big lakes up here said " mr. Tusk", this is the kind of life I need more time in for myself, he said, while 'tapping his knee', while he bounced his leg sitting at the benches in the middle of the cabins.
Ms. Flossy uttered " boy sure was a crazy night, with all that raccas, hardly had gotten any sleep a lady needs for her beauty rest, she said giggling! Looks like you already had plenty of that ms. Flossy mr. tusk had said excitingly! All ms. Flossy could do was turn red and tuck her head in and rocked back and fourth.
I happened to notice that it had been a while and i was starting to wonder what happened to the gang of everybody. Just then we all heard a horrible scream! Help me! It's so scary, help me! It's so horrible and evil! When we had checked to see who it was, we were all shocked to see that it was "Doug", all bloody and scratched up! Barely able to walk to us, Lee fell down and started to go into shock in the field that goes down to the creek.
Finally before long, mr. tusk and ms. Flossy had Lee in the main bedroom, laying down, and all cleaned up. Hopefully when he wakes up we can find out what's going on said mr. tusk. Where are the other's I asked? That's what we are trying to figure out jasper! We know as much as you do at this point said mr. tusk.

Adventure Calls "Screams In The Forest". Part 1Where stories live. Discover now