Part 3 "WHICH WAY"

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Mr. Tusk and I, wound up heading out and having ms. Flossy keep eyes out back at the cabins with some colt 45 six shooters, some rifles and a hand held walk-in radio to keep in contact. Deep down I was feeling like I wanted to barf and at the same time feel like someone punched me in my gut really hard. From the moment we left, I had this weird scary feeling that we were being watched the whole time by something else we didn't know. But jasper, I say to myself, your almost an adult, man up little dude and fly straight, you got this so no worries. I can't show mr. tusk that I am actually scared, because then he won't think I'm a grown up, and I am, so that's that!
We drive out for a couple of hours and the sun light is about fully gone from the sky above us! The lights on the school bus aren't bad on just a normal road, but out here in the woods, maybe not the greatest for seeing I insisted to mr. tusk. He just replied " it happens to the best of us" you know he said!
Finally we come to a weird little bridge fork and that's when our life's will never be the same again!

Adventure Calls "Screams In The Forest". Part 1Where stories live. Discover now