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                                                                              By Cameron Miller

Chapter One: New Recruit

     The energy beam bounded off Sam's Suit. But he didnt notice. The sheilds to the U.S.S. Triton were down and unless he got them back up, they were all doomed!He slammed into the contral panel, and ripped it off. There. Two broken wires. He quickly replaced them and turned to face the creature behind him.

     Sam remembered when life had been peaceful. The inner planet calonies had been thriving with life. The newly created outer colonie's third planet was quickly populating. Then the invasion came.

     The invasion came without any warning. That third planet, Spiral IV, was attacked by several unidentified vessels. Each was armed with powerful nuclear energy blasters. Them the ships sent pods down to the plannet, containing hundreds of alien soldiers. By the time the Armada could even get there, Spiral IV was gone.

     Sam had actually been a rookie recruit at the space warfare and tactical order academy, or S.W.A.T. On his first training exercise, disaster struck. They were on Gamma II, an unpopulated planet, when their ship was destroyed by an alien ships blasters.

Chapter two: Gamma II

     " Oh crap!" muttered Johnson, backing away from the burning fire ball that had once been their ship.

     " What now?" asked Luke," Call up S.W.A.T.?"

     " Yeah," said Johnson, " Do it. Sam, take three men, and try to set up a camp in the forest. We will refure to you as red team. I'll take Jim and Klara to put out that fire and search for any undamaged suplies. We are blue team. Everyone else, creat a barrier." As the teams got to work, Sam walked up to the others.

     He looked around." Steve, Jake," He said," Come with me."

     " Why do they call us the Plan B team?" Steve asked, glaring at Jake.

     " What can I say?" He asked," Can I help it if I have a natual absession with blowing things up?"

     " That is why we are called B plan team." John said, trying hard not to laugh. You were not sapposed to laugh in S.W.A.T. But hell with the S.W.A.T. No wonder the first ten people to join S.W.A.T. ended up committing suiside. Jeaz.

     Suddenly, Sam got a cal on his receiver. "Come on, Johnson," He sneared," We havn't even got the tents up yet.

     "Sorry Sam," he heared a hiss," But Johnsons dead. A pod landed 50 meters away, and we were overun. You are now in charge." Sam thought about this for a second, then replied," Fall back to my position." He turned to his team." As acting squad leader, Im promoting both of you to assistant lutenants." The two just nodded, to shocked to speak. Thats when all hell broke loose.

Chapter three: What happens when all hell breaks loose???

     Thats when Sam noticed the bird- like creature creeping up on stevens right. " DUCK!" He screamed, firing his plasma rifle.Stevn ducked, just in time for the flying bolts of plasma to slam into the creatures chest plates. The creature howled, then slumped to the ground.

     "Crap!" yelled Jake, grabbing his semi automatic and pumping several rounds into two more creatures, who had just launched themselves at Sam from a tree somewhere behind him. Steve threw a frag gernade.

     " Duck!" he hallered.

     The next several seconds were a undescribable. Shreiks filled the air. He heared several human battle cries. More rounds flew over their heads. When they looked up, they found nearly four dozen of the bird like beasts lying face down on the ground.

   " We intercepted a transmition. Stupid Gargoyals. Knew about the whole operation. Want to catch us and disect us." Said Klara.

     " Gargoyals?" muttered Sam.

     " Gotta call them something," said Jim

     " All I know," said Jake," is that they fight like my sister here." Klara punched him in the shoulder." Did we get a transmition out?" He asked.

     " No," replied Klara," we need to get to higher ground..."

     " The climb to mount Sambith is the only way," said Sam," Whats everyone's statis? Five of the six remaining people gave a thumbs up." Wait," said Sam," Where is Steve? Everyone look around for him." So Sam headed off to look for Steve in the west.

     The west of the planet was a gaint wastland. Everywhere, everything had been dug up. Then he saw them. Five of those gargoyal things and a gaint one ( he desided to call them brutes) with Steve gagged and tied up. Sam hopped behind a bolder, then opened his communicator." Jake," He wispered," Requesting backup. I repeat, requesting backup!"

     Nothing but static." They must be jamming my transmitions," He thought to himself when he noticed the flashing red light,"... AND TRACKING MY SYGNAL!" The bolder behind him shattered. Sam threw himself into a small trench like area and armed his sniper rifle." Showtime," he muttered, as he turned to face the enemy.


     Jake listened intentally to his transmitions receiver. Everyone had checked in with him exept Sam. Suddenly a burst came through the static. " Backup... repeat... requesting... BOOOOOM!!!," was all He heard. Jake messaged the others," Sam's in trouble. Everyone keep looking for Steve. Ill assist Sam."


     Sam rebounded back to the shelter of the trees, with Steve on his heals. The birds had gone down easy, but this Brute was not going down easy. Sam had sent five rounds into its chest, but this only seemed to make the creature even angrier. " What," weezed Steve," do we do now?" Sam looked at Steve. He did not look good at all. He had a taken a plasma shot to the side and to the right leg. It was a miracle he could still walk on his own.

     " We keep going," sighed Sam.

     " No," muttered Steve," You go on."

     " I wont leave you," Sam boldly stated.

     " Your right," Shouted Jake, as he jumped into the clearing," We wont. Jake and Sam both turned and fired. A lucky round finally penatrated the armer. The Brute went down with a roar." Where do these things keep coming from?" asked Jake.

     " The mountain," answered Klara as she stepped out form the shadows," but its not a mountain. Its a base." The two guards stepped out behind her.

Chapter Four: the Archetype Project

     " We had captured abunch of these guys to interagate. Then they escaped. They may not seem like much, but population wise, they've got us out numbered by about 367 to 1." said general Davy. The group had been taken to secret military Alpha, which had been hidden under the mountain. " You people have done so well, we would like to give  you a specail opertunity. But for now, we must get you back to S.W.A.T. emediantly.

     " Yes please sir, and thank your sir!" said Sam. And that is how the whole thing started. Shortly after bording a ship back to S.W.A.T., They were attacked by one of the alien vessels. While the aliens themselves were easy to kill, the ships were another story all together. They were more powerful in every way. Now Sam was stuck, fixing a sheild generator. And praying they would make it out alive.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 22, 2011 ⏰

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