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Trigger warnings: Strong language and substance abuse.

The smell of brown sugar instant oatmeal filled the cold kitchen. Rain mentally cursed herself for letting go of the cook when Michael hadn't eaten all day. Honestly, fancy food was the last thing on their minds. Going to rehab didn't exactly conjure a celebratory atmosphere. Michael was going to what he equated to a prison. No contact with his children for the first two weeks and the luxuries that came with his lifestyle were gone. Rain poured the contents of the pot into a small bowl and passed it to Michael who was sitting behind the marble kitchen island. "Bon appetite," Rain said in an attempt to lighten up the mood.

Michael merely pushed the food around with his spoon. His appetite was none existent. The eerily quiet mansion made him feel even more lonely. Whenever he felt lonely, he always told himself that he always had his children by his side but things were different now. It didn't help that Rain was unusually tough on him. Michael was pushed against the corner and he had no choice but to comply.

Rain watched him play with his food. This took her back to the Dangerous Tour days when his anorexia was at its peak and she had to call Elizabeth Taylor in hopes that he would listen to her. "I can assure you that your children are safe, Michael."

His hand turned into a fist. Michael threw his spoon and it went flying to the other end of the room. "That was a lame attempt to somehow console me, Rain! Those kids are all I got and you've taken them from me!" Michael beat his chest, frustrated that the only thing that has kept him sane was not with him.

Rain was unmoved. She didn't even flinch at his sudden burst of anger. "I've kept my end of the bargain, Michael. I got you out now it's time that you keep your word. This isn't an option anymore."

"Then you're fired!" Michael stood up causing the stool to fall on the floor.

"Tough luck! You're stuck with me until you go on tour."

"You know what, Rain? I never knew you could be such a... bitch!" Michael screamed.

Rain pretended to clutch her non-existent pearls. "My, my, Michael. Who knew you could be such a pain in the ass! You're so fucking stubborn! You've gotten yourself in deep shit then you come to me for help and this is the thanks I get? Fucking asshole!"

"The Rain I knew wouldn't have taken my children away!" Michael stomped his way toward her.

"Are you done now? We're gonna be late," She turned and grabbed the handbag on the counter. Whatever trick he had up his sleeve wasn't going to work. "You better be following behind me before I tell security to drag your ass."

Michael's shoulder slumped in defeat. Every attempt to somehow wiggle his way out was shut down by Rain. He sighed while he dragged his feet to follow Rain to the car. The car ride to the airport was quiet. Michael was so beaten down that he had no energy to keep up with Rain. She knew this too. She knew that he would eventually back down. She knew she was his only hope.

Michael settled in the back of the private plane. Take off was smooth although it was starting to get a bit boring. Television was not allowed. Rain thought it was best to keep Michael's last shred of sanity intact rather than listen to garbage that was on the news. His head peaked through the empty seats. He recognized Rain's back facing him while she sat on the plane's conference area. He wanted to approach her but he hesitated as she seemed engrossed on the paperwork that littered the table. But it was mostly because of his nasty attitude towards her earlier. He was never the type to apologize and neither was Rain. Their pride was what kept them apart through all these years. He was an asshole (still is) and the fact that she came to his rescue showed where her loyalties lied.

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