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y/n wood was just 11 years of age when she was given her letter to Hogwarts. she's a pureblood and a piece of wood family . Seven days from the letter being shown up the day of youthful y/n life would change always . It was the day she's shopped at Diagon Alley to get her school supplies with her older sibling Oliver. The young lady and kid was so baffled and lost , went to the last opportunities for asking somebody for help. She was perusing the rundown of things she required when they heard the voices of a group of small kids behind them .

"Pardon me " She asked using the narrow sherd of courage inside her

"yes" two identical voices answered . the group turned around in front of them , two boys were identical with fiery red hair and brown eyes while one girl was more obscure shaded with dark hair and browns eyes and lastly another girl with brown/ blonde hair with greens eyes .

"do you know where we can get our wands " Oliver said confidently while y/n was embarrassed for even needing help and fiddled with her fingers avoiding making eye contact.

"Ollivander's ,obviously, " one of the redhead answered indeed . the gathering appeared as though they understood what they were doing , she was correct . y/n gazed upward and bit her bottom lip, picking at the skin with anxiety .

" where is that , exactly ? " Oliver asked meanly.

"we'll show you " said one of the young ladies . the twins and young ladies start leaving the packed bookshop . Oliver and y/n followed them into the more jam-packed cobblestone street.

" so what's your names " one of the boys asked .

" I'm y/n wood and this a my older brother Oliver " while pointing at him

" I'm violet Thomas and I can tell you y/n we are gonna be the besets of friends " y/n giggled

" hi I'm Angelina Johnson " said with a smile

"I'm George ," they boy replied

" and I'm Fred ," said the other

" nice to meet you " y/n and Oliver said

" and you , " the group chorused .

they at last arrived at a little corner shop which she speculated she'd get her wand . she ventured inside with her sibling , with every other person behind them . an elderly person with fraying silver hair rose up out of the rear of the shop.

" Here to get your wands ?" the man asked, "first year at Hogwarts I'm guessing ?what's your names ?"

" I'm y/n , y/n wood " she floundered

" and I'm her brother Oliver wood " he said

he smiled ," wood .. pureblood "

y/n a nodded her  head to hopefully cease the small talk .


sooner or later the gathering before long went through Diagon Alley together, preparing for Hogwarts

 It was September first, and y/n and Oliver was indeed dropped off at one more bustling area they had never been to . There tickets said they was to go stage nine and 3/4, however so far they hadn't saw such a spot.

" you know where err.. stage nine and 3/4 is ?" y/n asked a man wearing a blue uniform . by and by y/n feeling totally vulnerable and dumb.

"There's nothing of the sort as mine and 3/4.presently return when you have a genuine inquiry !" The man snapped

Y/n and Oliver started to panicking until they heard a familiar voice . Y/n gave her shoulders to see a lady with dazzling red hair and a few red hair coming towards the platforms . Two of them was certainly Fred and George .

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