Remus Sanders x Self harming Reader||🥀||Relapse

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Tw: mentions of self harm

also im might switch between 2nd and 3rd pov randomly

Y/n: Your name

N/n: Nickname

H/c: hair color

S/c: skin color

f/c: favorite color

f/a: favorite animal


3rd POV

(Y/n) was in his room, sitting on his bed. He sighed, looking down at his bloodied arms, he put the knife in his hand down onto his nightstand. Remus bursted into the room, making (Y/n) jump and try to cover his still bleeding arms under his blankets. "Hey (N/n)-" Remus had started to say before he paused looking down at (Y/n), he quickly started walking over towards (Y/n). (Y/n) had started panicking trying to find an excuse to stop his boyfriend from finding his arms, "R-remus, it's not what you think-" Remus cut him off when he pulled (Y/n)'s (s/c) arms out from the blankets. 

"Oh really? What is it then?" Remus asked, pulling (Y/n) to the bathroom to find the first-aide kit. "U-um, w-well-" (Y/n) stuttered, out still trying to find an excuse. Remus made (Y/n) sit down on sink counter, he opened the cabinet under the sink, getting the first-aide kit out. He grabbed some paper towel and the hydrogen peroxide, starting to clean the cuts, (Y/n) hissed at the pain, "Oww" Remus stopped and looked up at (Y/n) with tears in his eyes, "why?.." (Y/n)'s heart dropped when he saw Remus with tears in his eyes, "I-I'm sorry, I just had a relapse...things were getting too stressful at work... and just-" Remus stood up, wiping the tears from his eyes and hugged (Y/n) tightly, "Why didn't you tell me?"

(Y/n) started tearing up as well, "I-it's just that- You have all yo- your side stuff a-and i didn't wanna trouble you with my stuff as well...." Remus kissed (Y/n), "You know that you could never trouble me with your problems and stress, especially when it gets to the point that you're relapsing, (N/n)." (Y/n) nodded, Remus wiped off (Y/n)'s eyes using his sleeve, "Ok, so now, let's get your arms cleaned and then we can cuddle in your room and watch Attack on Titan" Remus said, smiling and tickling (Y/n), who started giggling.

Remus continued cleaning all the cuts, (Y/n) was cursing...a lot. Remus finally got (Y/n)'s arm's wrapped up in bandages and was carrying him back to his room. When they got to (Y/n)'s room, Remus tossed (Y/n) onto his (f/c) bedsheets. He glanced over and picked up the knife and threw it out (Y/n)'s window, almost hitting Roman and Virgil who were in the garden, "There, you shouldn't be needing that any time soon."

 Remus jumped onto (Y/n)'s bed, grabbed him and pulled them both under the blankets. (Y/n) smiled and tried to reach for the remote, remus grabbed it before him, he stuck his tongue out at his boyfriend, "haha, i got it before youu." Remus said jokingly. (Y/n) started pouting, Remus giggled and kissed him, "Come on (N/n), dont be pouty, please?" Remus said, doing puppy eyes. (Y/n) blushed and looked away, "Fine what ever, just put on the show already." Remus smiled and cuddled (Y/n) who was holding his (f/c) plushie (f/a). Remus kissed (Y/n)'s (h/c) floofy hair, "I love you (n/n" (Y/n) looked up and kissed Remus, "Love you too Rem."

- there finally im done, i started writing this around 9:30 and took a two hour break so this took about three or so hours, hope you liked it

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