Chapter 02 - Home visit

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This time its on Alex's POV


A week before our 2 years anniversary.

Time check 8:31 am

*sniff sniff* The smell of fried food brings me out of a dream involving twin aliens learning kung-fu in a Shaolin temple with a bald Bruce Lee as their master. "What a weird dream" I said still groggy from the night's "Exploits" IYKWIM.

*sniff* "hmmm...what's this smell, so good" The heavy aroma ripples through the air making my heart lighter at each sniffs. OK this may sound weird but I'm a person who wakes up from the smell of food cooking rather than an alarm clock, I'm just weird like that. With an evil grin on my face I said my voice in full force "time to roll out".

With practice ease I hop off mm..hi..OUR bed. I mean we're exclusively dating now... whats his is mine and what's mine is his. Fair enough.

I strode across the room towards the kitchen excitedly "Morning comrade, what's cooooking?" I said with a happily singsong voice. His left hand holding the pan and on his right the spatula. I always think...No its hard to admit but his cooking skills is on a whole different level from mine. Maybe on par to a 3-star restaurant chef. Nope this isn't an overstatement. Maybe I dated him because of the food he feeds me. Dafuq am I thinking? I remove the thought quickly.

"Heya comrade what's cooking?" I tilted my head. No response huh?




"Uhm comrade?" His face dumbfounded with his jaws dropped.



"Mr. August? You in there Sir?"

"Hey the food will burn"

"Cupcake?, Sugarbunch?, SweetiePie?"

This is me trying to get his attention, we don't call each other something so sweet and cheesy like that and remained calling each other 'bro' or 'comrade'. We're brothers before we are lovers. But once the jerk asked me if I want to be called something like that, I said if I say yes what'd you call me? And with a big smile on his face he said 'Sausage' like seriously! that sounds so gross. Imagine your lover calling you Sausage like morning Sausage, How's your day Sausage, etc Up til now the thought still infuriates me. He really deserves that sharp headbutt I gave him.

"Yo, bruh?"

Getting annoyed with him for not responding and with the fear of this delicious food going to waste I started calling him names "you dipshit jerk... how dare you ignore your beautiful girlfriend, you good for noth...hmp" I said in full authority.

"Omigosh the food's burning" I squealed. Thick smoke rose up from the frying pan.

Finally with that August stirred up from wherever dreamland he might be or maybe it's because of the smoke trying to get into his dark black slanted eyes. He hurriedly turn the stove's burners off. He took a glance on the food he cook with his face full of disappointment. "This won't do" August sighed "Thanks to my beautiful girlfriend...who looks like a man" he said staring daggers on me.

"Excuse me?" I said trying to look mock offended as I can.

"You've heard me!" August said

"At least... if I'm a man, I'm sure I'll look better than you...hmp" I retorted.

"Just a few baths" he said

"Nope it'd be like your cooking to my cooking" I said with a clear loud voice and standing tall. Knowing the fact that my cooking is shit-tier. It looks good, it smells good but the just HORRIBLE. I look like a man and my cooking is bad.......and I should feel bad about it.

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