Chapter VII

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Jesse Klaver's POV:

By the time I get home it's around 7:50 p.m., the temperature clearly dropped because my knuckles have turned white while cycling. Or maybe I was holding the handlebar too tight.
I get off my bike and sigh before putting it against a streetlight and locking it. I get my bag and walk towards the front door and unlock it.


Two dark-haired boys run towards me and I bend forward and put my bag next to me. I wrap my arms around the two of them and kiss their foreheads. After this chaotic day, I'm glad to be home. To be surrounded by my sons and be just their dad, instead of being a political leader and a cheating husband.

I get up and my eldest son offers to carry my bag into the living room, just like he does every time I get home from work. I chuckle a bit, as he tries to lift the bag and fails miserably. "Next time, you'll be able to carry it".

"But I just want to help you", He says. His eyes are watery, and he looks disappointed. Kids really do cry about everything, wait until you're older, kiddo. "I don't want to make you cry too".

My heart breaks into a million pieces and he doesn't even have to say who cried, because I just know it was Jolein. During the phone call she just tried to keep it all together, and even though she was probably disappointed in me she didn't let me know. I take off my coat and hang it on a hanger, and leave my bags on the floor in the hallway. Which is not common, I literally take it with me to my home office but my family is way more important. I walk into the living room, with my sons behind me.

Jolein is sitting on the couch, watching a TV show on TLC with our youngest son on her lap. She doesn't seem to acknowledge my presence so I simply greet her. She looks up at me and smiles before looking at the TV again. I sigh a bit and walk to the kitchen to get a cup of juice. "Jolein, would you like something to drink?"

"Just some tea please".

I grab the water boiler and pour in some cold water before turning it on. After that I open the fridge and get out a juice box and pour myself a glass. I check my phone while waiting for the water to boil and find myself scrolling through my social media. People are still commenting on yesterday's Instagram's post about what happened today and there's a whole ship named Resse. Don't know what that means, but   it sounds nice.

I look over to the boiler on the counter and it's already kind of boiling. I grab a cup and grab a tea bag. Her favorite flavor is peach with mango, so that's what I'm putting in the cup. I pour the boiled water in the cup and place the bag in a small bowl so it can be reused again.

I take Jolein's cup and my glass to the living room and all 3 boys are sitting on the couch next to Jolein. I put the cup on the coffee table in front of the couch and sit down on a seat next to the couch. My youngest son gets off Jolein's lap and off the couch and walks over to me. I pick him up and put him on my lap.

Neither of us say a word and I can feel the tension between us. A few hours ago our phone call went so well and right now Jolein isn't even speaking to me at all.

I grab my phone again and open my Instagram again, the first thing I see is a statement published by D66, Rob's party. I read it and it's a clear statement denying everything that happened between us, and that we're just colleagues. For one second I want to show Jolein but I don't want to talk about it if the kids are awake. Jolein is still watching TV and she looks very focused.

My youngest son is nearly falling asleep on my lap, and I look at the clock and decide it's time for him to go to bed. Actually for all three boys. I position him in my arms and stand up from my seat and carry him. "Boys, it's time for you to go to sleep".
They both stand up but do complain about not being tired. And the typical "Five more minutes please".
"Are you two gonna give Mommy a kiss?".

They nod and walk back to Jolein and give her a kiss. I walk towards the staircase and they soon follow me, although they can walk up the stairs by themselves I'm scared they'll fall. So I walk behind them on the stairs. Both of them walk towards the bathroom and I bring put the youngest to his bedroom. I undress him and lay him down in his crib. We'll just brush his teeth tomorrow morning. I give him a kiss on his forehead before leaving the room and quietly closing the door.

By the time I'm in the bathroom, the two others are holding their toothbrushes in their hands, waiting for me to put some toothpaste on them. I open the drawer and get the toothpaste out.
I help the two brush their teeth and help them get ready for bed. I put them both to bed and when I kiss the oldest on his forehead he starts talking to me."Daddy, was mommy crying because of you?"

"I don't know, buddy", I tell him. I know for a damn fact that I'm the reason why, but he's too young to understand. He's 6 years old now and maybe when he's older and he'll read this stuff, he might start asking questions. "But it's time to sleep, and I'll promise to bring you to school tomorrow".

I stand up and close the door of his bedroom and head downstairs. The door to the living room is closed and I open it, Jolein is still sitting on the couch but the television is turned off. The pitch black screen is reflective and shows her face, mascara is smeared down her face and although I just want to hold her tightly, I don't want her to feel unsafe. So I sit down next to her on the couch and take a deep breath.

"Jolein, I know whatever I did was wrong", I tell her. My hands are resting on my knees and Jolein's silence makes me even more nervous. My eyes look at Jolein but she doesn't seem to react at all. "Jolein, can we at least talk? Like we did this afternoon?"

"Jesse, I just need a moment to think", she tells me. Her eyes meet mine and although her mascara is smeared all over her cheeks she is the most stunning woman I've ever seen. She looks tired and although her eyes are staring at me, she's looking right through me. "About all of this, because right after our phone call ended, I started to think about everything and I feel betrayed".

"I get that, Jolein", I tell her and she has every right to feel this way and to have changed her mind after our phone call. All I need right now is transparency and to know what she wants.

"I don't know how to feel about this whole situation", she says while using the back of hand to wipe the smeared mascara off her cheeks. "I love you, Jesse. But you've basically cheated on me, I don't know what happened inside of that room and as much as I want to believe you, I've got my doubts".

"I can guarantee you that nothing happened inside of that room", I say. Maybe I should tell her me and Rob kissed but it was just something that happened and I don't think it'll ever happen again. Jolein has had a tough day and I don't want to make things worse even though it's the truth. "I promise".

I look her into the eyes and I smile a bit. The remainder of our evening is spend on the couch watching TV and talking about other things. I'm so incredibly lucky to have this amazing woman in my life and to call her my wife. When it's time for us both to go to bed, I want to follow her up the stairs. "Jesse, honey, I don't know but maybe it's better if you sleep on the couch".

I nod, and it's something I expected. I walk up the stairs to brush my teeth and grab my pillow off our bed and a thin blanket. My heart drops when I see Jolein this way, but it's better for the both of us. I bring the blanket and pillow downstairs before coming upstairs again. Tomorrow there will be another debate and I need a new suit and tie. I choose a grey suit and red tie. I look over my shoulder and make eye contact with Jolein who's already sitting on our bed. "I'm sorry, Jesse".

"No need to be sorry about this".

i'm once again so sorry for not uploading. i mean the resse hype is now pretty much over and idk if it worth the wait every time.

btw since jesse keeps his private life really private, the names of his three sons are not publicly known so it was a bit hard for me to decide what to do during this chapter. so i could've made names up but i decided to go with "eldest", "middle", and "youngest" lol.

Casual // Jesse Klaver x Rob Jetten ENG // RESSE on tiktokWhere stories live. Discover now