14. On the other side

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Back in Texas, a posse had been put together for the sake of revenge. Brian had a set up clan to blatantly ruin Kelly's life with hopes to lead her back to him. Brian had bodies everywhere to play roles in Kelly's life.

He had Denise in his possession as he had been keeping her in an apartment building he had in his name. She was kept as his sex slave to bring in revenue to cover expenses. His objective was to completely turn Denise away from her young life and make her surrender to him.

Denise was slumped on the apartment floor. The home was barely furnished. There was a raggedy twin sized bed that he offered her to sleep on but she refused. She had been here for a week. She was in lingerie that Brian provided for her.

He kidnapped her while she was walking home one day and gave her several doses of drugs causing her to act recklessly. She had started to recover from the drug abuse and was coming back to her senses.

Brian's plan was to abuse her into his custody.

Brian had injected a poison into Denise's veins slowly paralyzing her from waist down. The poison would soon make her unconscious and when she'd wake up she would have suffered memory loss. Denise dragged her numbing legs across the floor. Brian stood over her legs shoulder width apart and his arms folded. He squatted down to her level and shook his head at her.

"Poor Denise."

"Why are you doing this?" Denise sobbed.

"Don't worry. You'll only hurt for a couple days or so." Brian informed.

"How are you going to get away with this? My parents will come after you." Denise cried.

"Oh no. They're taken care of." Brian winked.

He stood up and paced the floor.

"You see you're friend Kelly... Sweet Kelly." He looked to the ceiling.
"I loved her. But she didn't love me. She had better plans I see."

"Kelly had plans for college."

"You're right." Brian snapped. "But she didn't get in. Or did she?" He said holding an envelope from the admissions office of Georgia State University.

"You son of a bitch."

Brian extended his hand a back slapped her.

"Watch your mouth. I am your ruler. You will obey me." He looked at her disgusted. "Now listen. All I want, is to have Kelly to myself. This will only be as hard as you make it. And if you're good, you'll make profit." Brian pulled Denise by her hair holding her head back.

"Why do you need me?" Denise clenched her teeth.

Brian released her head gently.

"Oh. Well I need Kelly to come back to me. I'm taking out everyone close to her. If it takes everything I have, Kelly will come back to me."

"You killed Tasha." Denise cried out above a whisper.

"And if you don't help me, I'll kill you. Help me, and you and your family will walk."

"How do you even know she'll come back to you?" Denise wondered.

"Good question." Brian raised his voice and acted like a dictator. "I've been watching Kelly you see. All of that good shit she got going on, I'm going to take it all. I will bleed her dry. She will be weak. And then she will need someone. Someone to caress her. And that's when I show up. Now don't let me down Denise. This is serious business we're talking."

"And what's this you say about profit?" Denise sniffled.

Just as Denise was submitting to the plot, Kendrick walked through the door
Denise's eyes widened. He was in on this. And that would mean Dwayne was too.

Denise couldn't believe it. She and Kendrick had been seeing each other. She couldn't count on her hands the number of times they made love. He knew her inside and out. Their relationship was significant. At least she thought it was.

Brian made way for Kendrick.

"Hey beautiful." He kneeled to her face.

"Kendrick. I thought..." Denise cried.

"Wrong." Kendrick interrupted her. "You're cute." He laughed. "And the sex was great I admit. But I never loved you. Business is business. Now when you wake up you will belong to me. Sleep tight beauty."

Kendrick cocked his fist back and punched dead center of her nose and forehead. Denise knocked out.

"What do I do now?" Kendrick asked.

"Keep and eye on that Eric. Take him out of you need to."

"And Dwayne?" Kendrick looked at the female body lying on the floor.

"He's good for now." Brian excused him.

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