Reason To Smile (Surprise Extend)

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A month later

Kelly took a walk on the beach on this bright Sunday morning. It was fairly early so very few people were out. She enjoyed the peaceful sounds of the waves hitting shore and the saltwater smell. The breeze made her feel refreshed. She took off her sandals and sat with her knees to her chest just where the shallow waters splashed her feet. 

"RIP Mom." She kissed two fingers and touched her heart.

Kelly finally felt free. No worries, no pain, no tears. But peace, joy, and happiness. She started drawing in the sand and found herself thinking about Dwayne. She missed him. That much was true. She wondered how he was doing. Or if he had met anybody else. She was sure that he had. It wasn't hard for him getting attention.

She remembered their wedding. What could've been. Then there was a slight giggle. Now she could sit back and laugh at all the catastrophe. But she missed him. He made her extremely happy. No one could warm her heart like he could or ever have. She missed looking at him and adoring every single thing about him. She missed his kisses. His touch. His voice. His phone calls on nights when they were apart. His attention. Every little thing. He made her feel safe and confident. He treated her like a queen.

Without even knowing Kelly had started to frown.

"Hey whats the matter?" A gentleman who had been jogging on the beach stopped and consulted her. "Why the long face?" He rubbed her shoulder.

Kelly didn't respond. She was too deep into her thoughts.

"Smile." He said.

"Why?" She finally responded with her head planted in her knees.

"You have a reason to." The man said.

She lifted her head and their eyes met.

"Oh my God." Kelly covered her face beginning to cry.

Dwayne took her into his arms and held her tight.

"I love you." He said starting to cry with her.

She hugged his neck tight. He wrapped his arms around her tighter.

"Never let go." She cried.

"I won't" His voice cracked.

They sat on the beach thirty minutes crying and promising each other they would never leave again. But they embraced every second. Kelly and Dwayne complete each other. It was like nothing else they could ever imagine.

Only a week later they joined each other in matrimony in that same spot on the beach. Their guests were people who were already at the beach but they made it feel arranged. Everyone honored the newly weds and some even stuck around and made friends with them contributing to their new life.

Kelly received a gift from Dwayne on their honeymoon. I brand new Porsche. It was snow white with a life size red bow on it's top. She didn't know how she could ever repay him. So he asked simply for one thing.

"Give me you."


Where are they now? 10 years later?

Dwayne made it on forbes list. That's right. He is one of the richest men in the world co-owning the Mercedes Benz manufacture. Kelly is the most successful black designer in the world. She returned to school and obtained a doctorates degree and works at a children's hospital. She plans to start a Charity for kids in need world wide. And their beautiful baby girl, Milan Robinson dreams of becoming a lawyer. 

They still here ;)


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