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"I found her! I found my daughter!" He breathed, mostly to himself if you ask me but everyone heard and with that the conference hall was silent, you could hear a pin falling to the floor. He was on his knees on the floor  in front of me, still staring at me. Though he's mistaken, I'm not his daughter.

"What do you mean Harry? I'm not your daughter... You probably thought I was her, I'm sorry" I said softly as if it won't hurt him if I say it like that. It made him cry some more, unfortunately all sad tears this time. Then an idea came up in his head, I could literally saw the bulb on his head.

He felt his pockets, looking for something. He found what he was looking for in less than a minute in the left pocket of his jeans, a folded paper. He then unfolded the paper and took the smaller paper which was just half of the folded paper. He held the paper next to my head like comparing me and whatever was on the paper. I tilted my head to my side that Harry was holding the paper to find a photo of me on the paper... Creepy much?

"Isn't your name, uh I can't pronounce it, sorry." He laughed nervously and continued " A-L-M-I-N-A,  O with two dots on top? -N-A-L?" He continued, confused with the letter 'Ö'.

"Yeah but how do you know my name and how did you find a photo of me?" I asked, kinda creeped out. I know he's a worldwide singer and all but I think you'd be a tad bit terrified by this too you know? " I uh, I took a paternity test a while ago." He answered, stuttering a little. "Don't you need a DNA sample of me for that? How did you get it without me noticing then?" "I have my ways" he mysteriously answered.

He handed me the folded paper after that. It was the paternity test he was talking about just a second ago and yes, he was right. He indeed is my father.

So my life was a lie? All these things I've been through wasn't necessary? I didn't have to go through all this if I was with my real, biological father.

Before I could hold back my face was wet by my tears. Harry got down on his knees and reached for my cheeks though I flinched, unintentionally of course and it made him cry harder, if that's even possible.

"I'm so- I'm so sorry, I didn't meant it" I apologised. His eyes held a soft guilty look even though it wasn't his fault, at least not completely. He didn't do the things that are the reason of me flinching over the small things.

I couldn't stop sobbing and I can't let people see me in this state, so I ran. Not far though, just outside the conference hall there are three couches and I sat there, sobbing in my hands, replaying what happened seconds ago in my head with so much questions.

If I am his daughter then what am I doing here, in Turkey? What happened that made me go kind of missing, making him search for me? Who are the people I've called 'my family' all those years? If Harry is my father then who is my mother?

Harry's POV:
I looked at her, kind of dumbfounded. I don't know if I should go check her or give her some time alone.

"What are you waiting for? Go follow her!" a voice made me snap out of the questions in my head. "Are you sure? I don't think she wants to see me now." I replied to the boy who was sitting next to my daughter. "Yes I'm sure. She just doesn't want people see her crying- well people I mean a lot of people, you know we're in the conference hall and everyone's attention is on the two of you. I'd go but it'd be better if you go, talk to her about the situation, explain her everything that happened. You've got this, don't worry!" He advice.

He knows her better than I do, that's for sure. I don't even know who this guy is to my daughter. Her boyfriend? Her best friend? Her friend? Hell I don't even know how to pronounce her name!

I nodded before getting out of the conference hall. I'd apologise to people for cutting in mid-song but my first priority is of course my daughter. I'll apologise after I fix things, let her know everything that lead us to this situation, her not knowing I'm her dad and all.

I spotted her right after the doors closed behind me. Her hands tugging at her hair, her elbows on her knees. I slowly made my way towards her, slowly taking a seat next to her. I pull her hands off of her hair and pull her in for a hug, it'll help, right?

Seeing her like this breaks my heart. I kept whispering 'I'm sorry' , rubbing her back and rocking her side to side at the same time.

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