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Harry's POV
After a while she calmed down. We sat there, hugging in comfortable silence before she broke it.

"If I'm your daughter, then why am I in Turkey? Why was I sort of missing, Harry?"

Ouch. She didn't call me dad. I hope she will, eventually.. I'm not expecting her to call me 'dad' right away of course but it'd be great if she did...

I sighed before speaking. "Explaining the situation will probably sound like I'm blaming your mother but believe me it's the least I want to do" I began. "I don't care just explain it in your point of view" she kind of demanded, softly.

" Okay. Your mum, whose name is Stephanie, and I weren't married when we had you- hell we weren't even 18. You were..unexpected. Though it wasn't a problem to me, nor to Stephanie according to what she told me back then. After a while, when you were a month old Stephanie left a letter on my kitchen counter before she, well, ran away. The letter said that she couldn't take care of you and thought I couldn't either because of my job, but she was wrong! She gave you away to another family because of her false thought about me not being able to take care of you. I tried looking for her for nearly a year. Her changing her phone number, socials hell- she even changed her name- made it even more difficult. She was the only one who knew where you are so I started searching her first but after a year I figured it was pointless and began looking for you. I looked EVERYWHERE in UK, USA and so on but Turkey had never came up to my head until a few months ago. Anyways, then I found you, well, a friend of mine bumped into you and thought our features were oddly similar and heard your name from who I'm assuming the woman you thought was your mother, then we searched you by this information and found your school, wanted a DNA sample of you from a teacher and did the paternity test. After seeing the results were positive- that you're indeed my daughter, I called my manager and made him organise this mini concert thing and yeah here we are" I explained. Her brows furrowed, taking the information in.

After a long pause, I remembered Stephanie's letter is in one of my jean pockets and began searching it. Once I found it I gave it to her. She read it a few times then passed the letter back at me. Her face was emotionless thus I don't know what she's feeling.

"So my life was a lie" she said under her breath. It was almost inaudible, as if she didn't want me to hear- she probably didn't but oh well...

"I'm sorry" I apologised yet again. I still feel like how much I apologise it still won't be enough.

No shit Sherlock, of course it won't be enough!

I just showed up into her life and pretty much said 'your life was a lie' to her! A simple 'I'm sorry' won't fix it, nor buying her the world. Nothing can...

I looked back up at her at the sound of her clearing her throat as I was looking at the floor while thinking. "So..." she said, sounding like she didn't know what to say next.

"So?" I asked confused, moving my hand for her to continue.

"So what now? What's gonna happen now that you told me you're my real father? What are we gonna do now?" She asked. "I mean you don't live in here...My life completely changed with this information, Harry. My whole life is here! My school, my friends, hell- even the people I thought were me family. So Harry, what's the plan?" She asked sounding a tad bit sad even though she was trying to hide her emotions which I don't know why.

" I was thinking you'd come with me to L.A., America or Holmes Chapel, England. But you're right, I can't just make you move to a different country so umm...We'll talk about this after your school so we can decide together?" I suggest. She nodded her head before speaking.

"Alright, school ends after your concert so we'll leave together after school- if that's not a trouble to you of course!" She agreed but her thinking us leaving would be a trouble to me made me sad. I'm her dad why'd it be a trouble to me?

"Of course it wouldn't be a trouble, you're my daughter!" I reply.

I saw her slightly smile which made me grin. "Anyways let's go so you can finish your concert then we can get out of here" she said smiling. I smiled and got up, holding out a hand for her to grab it and help her get up. She grabbed it and we made our way to the conference hall.

Inside was a loud chatter but once they saw us enter they quieted down. Well it only lasted for a few seconds, they began whispering to each other looking- some even pointing at us. My hand made it's way up to her back from holding her hand to rub her back soothingly.

"See you later then" I said and she nodded, smiling.

I quickly apologised to principal and went up at stage. I began singing the last 5 songs, ending with 'Treat People With Kindness'. I thanked everyone for having me then finally made my way towards my daughter. It was quite difficult as people were coming to get photos or autographs.

We smiled at each other and without saying anything we focused on getting out of here as quick as possible. She was leading the way when she broke the silence.

"I need to pick my bag and phone- don't worry though I packed my stuff before so it'll be quick" she reassured. "There's plenty of ways to  get out of the school and one of them is real close to my classroom" She explained.
Wait- what?

"What do you mean 'my classroom' ? You're not a teacher" I questioned.

She looked at me puzzled before letting out a breathy laugh. "In Turkey the system is different. Teachers come to the classrooms. Each class has 20-23 students. For instance
9-A is a class and every student in 9-A has the same schedule. Each class has different schedules." She explained. Oh, makes sense now. I nodded.

We made our way to her classroom. A few students were inside, most of them being boys and they didn't come up to me to get autographs or pictures, thankfully. Yes it's fun taking pictures and giving autographs but it doesn't changes the fact that it's tiring.

However there were the two friends of her who were sitting next to her in the conference hall. I haven't caught their names but the boy helped me and there was a girl. They started talking in Turkish which I obviously don't understand. I stood there, next to my daughter awkwardly.

I guess I need to learn that language now

The female friend of Almina suddenly began fangirling

Oh uh


Woah, talent!

"Hi um, what's your name love?" I asked. "I-It's Aylin" she said, blushing.

"Hi Aileen, thank you for the compliment! And unfortunately I don't know when will One Direction reunite yet" I said.

She looked a bit disappointed at the last part but then we took a picture, now she's better!

"What's your name? I didn't catch it when you helped me, sorry." I asked to the boy who helped me. "No worries! My name is Can" he answered.

"Thank you for the help, John!" I thanked him. Almina looked puzzled. Oh yeah, she didn't know he helped me.

Almina tried containing her laughter but let me tell you, it's not working. What is she even laughing at?

"What's so funny?" I asked, awkwardly chuckling. "You pronounce their names wrong! Well there's not much difference but I don't know it was funny!" She said between laughs.
"Don't worry, you can keep calling them the way you did if they don't mind" she reassured me.

"We don't mind it" they said, also trying to hide their laughter.

They spoke in Turkish once again, this time shorter, then we got out of the classroom. Almina grabbed her phone from the principal's office before we made our way towards my car.

I told her to tell her 'parents' she's out with friends so they wouldn't worry about her, then we got in the car.

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: May 25, 2021 ⏰

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