Chapter 3

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  • Dedicated to Charlie Lenehan and Leondre Devries

A teacher takes me back down some corrodors and through some secret passage ways. This place is awesome. Finally, we are outside of school; I stand here for a bit trying to get my brwath back as we technically ran. What the hell just happened, I was about to ask miss when suddenly a really cute guy with blonde hair and dreamy blue eyes walks passed. He waved, so I waved back. He's walking towards me, I quickly look round at the teacher but shes disappeared.

"Hi I'm Charlie."

"Hey I'm Chloe, n-nice -to meet you," i stuttet but why?

"Why are you out here, were you being a bad girl." Charlie flirts with me.

I was about to blurt something but tjen realised Roseville High school is a secret spie school. So instead I just tell him, "it's mu first day here and I got a bit shy and self conscious so they told me to have a nice walk and then come back to schook," he glared at me as though I had just told him that my school had just burnt down and I'm the only survivor.

Suddenly, I hear loud footsteps and girly giggles coming from behind me. what a surprise, its Beth and Megan. Megan whispers to Beth askong how is he that fit and Charlie starts going as red as a tomato.

"I'm so sorry Charlie, my friends hete don't usually see boys as this is an all girls school," I blurt.

"Oh how I hate them schools," Charlie said sternly.

"I didn't really want to come here but my mothet is the headmistress here and she made me move here."

Maybe we could hang out together sometime," He asked softly, staring deep into my eyes.

"Yeah souds cool," I exaggerated the world "cool" but I have no idea why.

"We should go back inside as I think the alarm has stopped," Megan said politely and starts walking away then giving Charlie a wave.

"You go on ahead I shall catch u with you in a bit," I said trying not to sound mean. I turned around to dace Charlie but he was gone, just a balck van sitting silently in the middle of the road.
A/n cliffhanger. Hope you like it so far. Many more chapters to be done. Also, please comment improvements and things you like about this story xx

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