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Custom Made Demon King - Chapter 64
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Chapter 64: Five Dragon Dismemberment
It did not take long for Roy to see a few black spots appear in the sky.

These black spots were naturally the giant dragons flying in the sky. Next to them were some smaller spots, which were the silver pegasus knights of the elves.

The dragons were massive. Roy was only seeing black spots now because he was still a distance away from them. But in fact, if you put Roy next to the dragons and compared them, an adult green dragon would be at least ten times bigger than Roy!

Even those five to six meters tall demons had to jump to slash at the neck of the dragons. These dragons were not weak, and there were not many species that could match up to them by just relying on their bodies.

Of course, Roy would not give chase, so he hung far behind and looked down. Roy saw the elven pursuit force on the ground.

Only one elven druid was leading this army. The other two heroes seemed to have led the other troops in other directions, and they were not within Roy’s line of sight for the time being. The green and emerald dragons were the true main force pursuing Xeron. It was precisely because they were flying closely behind him that Xeron could not get rid of the pursuit in the sky.

After Roy observed for a while, the dragons rushed toward the ground, spewed out dragon breath, and then flew back up. In this way, they constantly attacked Xeron, who was running on the ground, leaving him no time to prepare teleport magic to escape.

Now, Xeron was in a bind. He could not understand why the elves were constantly chasing after him.

In fact, in addition to Roy’s letter of challenge that made the elves furious that Xeron actually dared to have the idea of attacking the Gold Dragon Queen, it was also related to the current war situation in Erathia. The Dungeon Lords of Nighon and Sandro’s undead army were currently attacking the kingdom of Erathia. It was in a very strenuous situation and had been constantly asking for reinforcements. Therefore, the elves also hoped to drive the demon army away and free up some manpower to help Erathia. If they wanted to do so, then Xeron, the commander of the demon army, definitely needed to die.

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The dragons were snapping at Xeron’s heel tightly, constantly consuming his strength. After he could no longer run, what greeted him was the elven army following behind.

Xeron was not stupid. He could tell what the elves were planning, so his escape route was toward where Rashka should have been in the demon army’s original battle plan. Now, Ignatius had taken Rashka’s place, so he only needed to run to join Ignatius. At that time, not only would he be able to escape the pursuit, but he would also be able to counterattack the exhausted elven army with Ignatius’s forces.

However, the premise was that Xeron could persevere until then!

When Roy arrived, Xeron had been running for a long time now. Even as a high-rank demon, he felt very exhausted. While running, he could not restore his magic power effectively, and the dragons clearly noticed this. From the beginning, they were only harassing with their breaths, but they gradually began attempting to attack him directly.

A gold dragon swooped down and spewed its dragon breath in front of Xeron, forcing Xeron to stop and evade. Taking advantage of this opportunity, the gold dragon stopped flying and landed on the ground, blocking Xeron’s path with its huge body.

“Despicable lizard! How dare you come down?!” Xeron roared as he rushed forward with his demon scythe.

In fact, a dragon had tried to stop him in this way earlier, but Xero had killed and devoured the soul of the green dragon that landed. He had recovered quite a bit of magic power in the blink of an eye. So after that time, the dragons felt that there was no need to fight him head-on and instead continued to harass him. But now, Xeron’s physical strength was gradually becoming exhausted, so the dragons made another attempt, and the gold dragon, the strongest in melee combat, landed.

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