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Custom Made Demon King - Chapter 382
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Chapter 382 Beelzebub?!
The farther Roy went, the stronger the palpitations in his heart became.

For a moment, even Roy hesitated. He found that things seemed to be a little different from what he had guessed. The previous master of this ruin was probably not as simple as a demon lord…

If he had not seen those fossil eggs and knew that it had been a long time, he might have really turned around and left.

Roy forced himself to continue forward until he found that the magma river was becoming shallower and shallower, and the two of them gradually came to the surface of the river.

Finally, Roy and Benia appeared at the source of the magma river. It was a massive valley surrounded by towering cliffs. In the middle, there was a magma waterfall, and fiery hot magma gathered at the bottom of the valley and formed a river that flowed out.

On the other parts of the rock walls, there were rows and rows of densely and neatly arranged long insect eggs! At a glance, it might really cause people to suffer from trypophobia. There were millions of insect egg fossils embedded on the walls here. Other than some falling off occasionally and flowing along with the magma, the rest of the egg fossils were still standing upright.

Roy and Benia continued forward and looked at this scene in surprise. If, according to Benia, these insect eggs were all soldiers, then how terrifying would an army of millions of insects be?

In turn, how much magic power would it consume to arrange these millions of insect


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The two of them walked forward cautiously and soon arrived at an enormous square. This place looked like the center of the ruin, and there were countless fragments of demon-made buildings scattered all around. Many collapsed and shattered statues even had traces of weathering, and they could no longer tell what their original appearances were. On the empty ground of the square was a gigantic, rust-red pentagram magic formation engraved there, but this magic formation was also badly damaged, and many demon characters were already blurry.

Roy and Benia looked at each other and then at this magic formation. They felt an immense and powerful sense of threat coming from there. When they arrived at the square, the sense of threat reached its peak.

“What should we do?” Benia asked Roy. “It seems like some existence is hidden here. If I’m not mistaken, it should only appear after activating this magic formation…”

Roy was also conflicted. After thinking for a while, he asked Benia, “Can you tell what this magic formation is?”

“I’m not sure, but I’m certain that it isn’t a sealing formation!” Benia said. “This is the Abyss, so it’s impossible for there to be any external enemies. Similarly, no demons are so stupid as to seal themselves, right?”

“It’s hard to say…” Roy said. “I can only feel that there seems to be a special alternate space here, and it’s not stable. I can even vaguely feel the unstable spatial fluctuations here… This means that even if this magic formation is hiding something, it’s on the verge of failing.”

“Then, can you open it without activating the magic formation?” Benia asked.

“To be safe, let’s use another method!” Roy looked around and picked up a big stone from the ground. The flames of the flowing brightness flames ignited in his palm, and then he quickly shaped the stone in his palm.

What he created was an eyeball-shaped object. After it took shape, he sent it into the system space and defined its attributes.

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It was a space probe. Just in case, Roy did not give it any magic power. He only defined a camera function for it and then set it with the ability to teleport to a designated space and be summoned back.

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