Chapter 1: "Why?"

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3rd Person POV:
Eraserhead was exhausted after a long day at UA high. at least he'd finally gotten a break, since it was around the holiday seasons. he looked down at a scar he'd attained after killing off a few Nomu's, realizing it started getting infected. it's coloration was a purplish-green, and it was pulsating. he'd stopped at recovery girls station, getting that fixed up.
"thanks." he'd said. he wasn't fond of long, thought out thankings. he managed to get passed her without having an hour long conversation about all the students she'd dealt with that day. the streets were really quiet and everyone's families were all together, from what he saw.
"damn, i hate family holidays.." he said. he really only hated them because he didn't have a family of his own. he'd always been a rather independent person, he didn't even really like human interaction. Hizashi and his friends were all getting together to go to NYC for the holidays and didn't even bother inviting Shouta.
"maybe it's selfish of me to be upset with Zashi because he didn't invite me.. i mean.. i thought i was his best friend.." he went on, talking to himself about the pain he acquired from the feeling that he was slowly being abandoned.
"even stupid Toshinori has a family to spend time with.." he'd said. he found himself longing for someone, anyone who loved him, even a little bit. he felt drained most of the time, but today it was immaculate. he genuinely felt an ache in his chest from, what he thought was jealousy and heartbreak. he shook it off as he realized he'd been so deep in thought he'd walked right into a patch of moss and trees. he began to turn around right until he heard something.
it sounded like someone was groaning in agony.
he sighed deeply before going into the woods and following the sound. there were strips of ripped clothes on the ground, and he raised an eyebrow to it. following the trail of ripped clothes, it lead him to a smaller man, that looked severely malnourished, and panting like a dog.
he had light blue hair, and scars all over him. he was decaying everything in his path.
oh fuck
he was faced with a small, vulnerable, Tomura Shigaraki. and he had no clue what to do.
he was stuck between leaving him there to let him suffer, or being the better person, and help him. he shook his head as he stood in shock, seeing fresh cuts, bruises, and what looked to be stab wounds. he grimaced at the thought of helping someone out, but Shigaraki? what if it was a trap.
he heard the smaller man wheeze, and he looked very dehydrated. he heard a sound as if he were crying and his heart dropped.
what the hell is he doing?! he thought to himself. is he.. really crying..? he'd asked himself.
"looks like you're stuck, huh, crustball?" he'd manage to slip through his mouth. all he received was a weak chuckle and an aggressive cough.
"Wow, Eraserhead.." the small man had said before passing out. his breathing pace slowed. against his better judgement, he walked away from the smaller man.
he stopped halfway through his walk away, and turned back.
Fuck, Shouta, you shouldn't do this.. he'd said to himself before running back and trying to lift him up. beyond his surprise, he was very light and felt frail. shouta's heart started beating at the sight of the man beside him,and quickly shook that off. sitting him on a tree stump, he removed his sweater and started putting it on Tomura. he felt a wave of embarrassment when he'd felt the light sweat starting to drench the shirt. he then picked the man up once more and slowly began walking home. once there, he took his keys out and unlocked the door. closing it behind him, he was greeted by a tiny black, fluffy kitten. he smiled at it, before sneezing. he had a light allergy of cat hair, but it wouldn't kill him.
locking the door behind him, he set the man against the couch, where he'd fall occasionally, so he needed to put him in a more stable position. once in the position, he sighed and looked around for a pair of gloves. he'd went into his attic quickly, finding a tote of holiday items, figuring he'd bring them down just in case he wanted to relax in the snow, if it did, of course. he found a small pair of gloves, and grabbed a pair of scissors off his counter, cutting three fingers out of it, on each glove, and put them on Tomura's hands. he let out a sigh of relief, before realizing he wasn't breathing. he began panicking, and quickly started pumping the mans chest. he hesitantly began performing CPR on him, hoping it would do anything to help him. it got more and more intense by the second. he was in a rut at this point. he pushed as hard as he could, without shattering his bones, and Tomura spat out into a coughing fit.
"hey, hey.. relax.." he'd said in a low, relaxed voice. Tomura was breathing again, but still slowly. he laid a pillow where he'd then set the boys head, and grabbed a med kit in his kitchen cabinet, before beginning to fix him up.
about 30, or 40 minutes passed, and he had finished with the severe wounds. he stood up, laying the boy again, on the couch. he set the TV remote on the table before hand feeding the sleeping man, making sure he didn't choke. he smiled a bit, running to his drawer and grabbing a pair of unopened boxers, a band shirt, and shorts. he laid them near Tomura, and gotten into his room to get dressed.
after he was ready for bed, he'd laid down, to which the tiny kitten took it upon itself to crawl onto him and cuddle up on his chest. shouta laid still, thinking of Tomura and only him. every last scar, every bit of facial features he showed. he smiled as he drifted off into a deep slumber, and relaxed.

the next morning, he awoke to sheer panic. there was a snowstorm outside and it was awful. he heard trees break, and felt the house shake a bit. it relaxed, so then he got up and headed to the living room. he almost fell at the sight of shigaraki stroking his cat, and curled up, in a big blanket, watching Spongebob. he was oblivious to the fact that shouta was standing right behind him. he looked content, though he was trembling.
"i see you're awake." shouta said in a low, raspy voice. tomura jumped a bit, but sat in complete shock.
"wow, eraserhead.." he said with a chuckle, followed by a cough.
"not only are you cool, but your house is too.." he said, nuzzling the fluffy blanket wrapped around him.
"you can leave now. you seem fine." shouta expressed. he felt immense regret prior to saying that, but he couldn't take it back now. it would show vulnerability in his heart for the small man.
"i do? but.. it's insane outside." he said, holding the cat close. shouta rolled his eyes, glaring at the boy with a shy blush strone across his face.
"you leave when the storm is over, got it?"
"yessir, yessir."

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