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Dustin Lynch as Preston Oliver

The following morning, Haley tip toes into Morgan's room. She sits next to him as he sleeps and runs her hand through his hair before pressing her lips against his cheek. He hums and stirs, slowly opening his big blue eyes. "Mornin'." He mumbles in a deep, sleep filled voice that gives her goosebumps everywhere.

"Time to get up." She whispers, still running her hand through his hair, smiling as he fights to keep his eyes open. "Lots to do today." He groans as he sits up. "Downstairs; fifteen minutes." She kisses his lips before bouncing back to her room to get dressed.

Morgan groans again as he pulls on his Levi's and a long sleeve t-shirt with a hoodie on top. He pops his Hancock County Co-Op hat on then heads to the bathroom to clean himself up before going downstairs to the kitchen.

"Mornin'!" Haley beams, scrambling some eggs. "Have a seat at the table!"

Morgan does as he's told, sitting one down from Clay, whose at the head of the table. He lets his tired eyes rake over his girlfriends figure in a pair of tight, curve hugging jeans, a Carhartt tee, a zip up hoodie and a Case IH hat on top of her pulled back hair.

"Stop it, son." Clay says, noticing how the boys eyes are stuck on his daughter.

"Here y'all go." Haley slides two plates of eggs and bacon on the table in front of two of her favorite guys. She sits across from Morgan and eats the quick breakfast with them, the three talking quietly so that Louisa May can still sleep in.

After they eat and Haley does the few dishes, they're taking the bench seat truck to the back barn.


Haley is hanging halfway out of a tractor engine when she feels a hand on her ankle. She jumps, smacking her head on the hood. "Son of a bitch." She groans, slipping to sit on the step into the cab.

"I'm so sorry!" Morgan gasps, standing next to her as he rubs his hand against the spot of her head where she hit it. "Are you okay?"

"'Side from the mild concussion, yeah." She chuckles, looking up at him. "How're you doin'?"

"I'm havin' a lot of fun." He says honestly, tucking a hand in his pocket after packing in a pinch.

"I'm glad." She smiles back, tugging him to sit with her, scooting to the dirt below them.

Haley sits with her legs over Morgan's, her hands holding one of his as they chit chat for a couple minutes before the walkie talkie in the cab chirps. "Shit, gotta get back." She sighs, leaning against the tractor before she stands.

"You look great in them jeans, darlin'." Morgan says, biting his lip as he gives her ass a light snack.

She shoots him a wink before she picks up the walkie talkie. "What's up, daddy?"

"I need you to run into town and pick up my truck from Oliver's. He just called the house and said it's done."

"Sure, Morgan and I can do that in a couple hours."

"Oh, you can go now, baby. Oliver's closin' up early today."

"You gon' be okay on your own?"

"Don't you worry 'bout me, baby." Clay chuckles before he pops the walkie talkie back into the pocket of his shirt.

"C'mon." Haley grabs Morgan's hand and starts walking toward the equipment barn. "I gotta set up a trailer." She sighs. "Man, I hate hookin' up trailers." She says as she hops into the cab of a truck, quickly backing up to turn around.

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