𝔽𝕒𝕜𝕚𝕟𝕘 𝕚𝕥

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"Where's my dad?" You asked the lady at the front desk she pointed to a door you walking towards it opening it your dad looked at you surprised "y/n what are you doing here?" He asked standing up "I'm here too take over remember" you spoke too him walking to his desk sitting down in his chair

"You can-..." you looked at him narrowing your eyes "like fucking hell I cant I'm the only that can run this shit how it's supposed too and I will" you spoke too him in a serious tone

He cleared his throat looking at your two cousins "alright you heard her" your father spoke "uncle that's not ok she can't run th-.." he's eyes widen and his mouth shut immediately looking at you standing up with a gun in your hand

"Shut the fuck up and get out" you had been through enough you didn't have time to have men telling you couldn't run something "get the fuck out of my office" you said again he looked at you flaring his nostrils before he tapped your other cousins arm walking out of the office

You sat down wrapping your hand around your ring taking in slow breaths your father leaned on the desk "y/n your not stable" he stated as you slowly calmed down "bullshit" you spoke again he looked at you "look I understand you loved him and I understand how it feels too lose someone but you can't go around doing whatever like your bat shit crazy" he spoke sternly

You looked up at him with a sinister grin holding up the gun to your head "I'll kill those bastard or I'll kill myself" you spoke to him. He could see himself in your eyes the day your mom was pronounced dead the empty dead feeling of himself

He took a deep breath "I should've never done it" he spoke out your eyes went blank in expression your hand falling to your side "did what?"

"Did what?" You asked him backing away from him "y/n calm down I didn't kill him" he said holding up his hands "bullshit!, what did you do?" You asked him holding up the gun you heard a loud knock on the door Sasha running inside "y/n...it's sakusa" you looked at her tears running down your face as you seen Sakusa walk into the room

You could feel the gallon of tears pile up inside you, you looked at your father "you liar!" You yelled at him placing the gun on the desk "y/n please I did it too keep you safe" he said to you looking at the pain on your face "you liar!, you lied to me you brought me all this pain and agony why didn't you tell me"

You looked at Sakusa as he looked at you not saying anything "you knew didn't you?" You pointed too Sakusa he looked at the floor nodding you wrapped your hand around the ring snatching it off walking up to Sakusa

"You promised me you would stay alive and-and you" your body got weak as you walked closer to him his hands slowly raised embracing you in a hug "I'm sorry baby" he said too you

"We didn't tell you because we knew you would be against it...I had to leave I had too" he spoke as you cried into his figure your legs becoming weak "all these weeks and you left me broken and empty that's such bullshit" you cried out hitting him

"I know and I'm sorry for making you go through that but I'm here now" he's voice, he's warmth it all felt so unreal you couldn't believe he was really here hugging you, talking to you it felt like a dream he was just so called dead now he was here cooing you into a calm state

"I missed you so much" you whimpered out tightening your grip on his jacket "I missed you too" he kissed your forehead looking at your father "y/n the reason I don't want you too take over is because I don't want you in danger" your father spoke too you

You turned around looking at him his figure blurry from your tears, to tell the truth you didn't want to be in the mafia you wanted to live normally where there would be no danger ahead at every turn

"I've paid for you and Sakusa too leave Tokyo" he walked up to you wiping your face "but what about you?" You asked him he smiled kissing your forehead "I'm giving this here too your beloved uncle" your eyes widened looking at him

~wait my uncle is dead

"You asshole" you spoke out wiping your face "you are a big liar" you smiled giving him a hug he hugged you back nodding at Sakusa "we have too leave y/n" Sakusa spoke grabbing your hand

"I love you be safe ok" you said to your father giving him a kiss on the cheek "I will and you both of you" your father pointed to Sakusa "be safe" he said to him giving him a quick wink "we will"

Author's Notes*
𝚂𝚞𝚛𝚙𝚛𝚒𝚜𝚎 😁

𝐵𝑂𝐷𝑌 𝐺𝑈𝐴𝑅𝐷❀❀❀𝑆.𝐾𝐼𝑌𝑂𝑂𝑀𝐼Where stories live. Discover now