Execution - Nomura Hiroe x Teruteru Hanamura - 😔💧🗡️✋😳✨👍👫

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Nomura Hiroe - Ultimate Historian - OC
Teruteru Hanamura - Ultimate Cook - Canon Character


Short, 500 words
Medium, 1k words
Long, 1.5k words
Really long, 2k words
Holy fu--, 3k+ words
Canon Character
Original Character, Mine

Original Character, Others


"Lets give it everything we've got! IIIIIIIIIIITS--"

"S-Sto- STOP!"

Nomura Hiroe, the Ultimate Historian, had finally unfrozen. She looked completely different from the cold, unemotional woman that everyone had come to know. She looked completely shaken, scared, and full of terrifying despair.

"Awww, what now?! You already voted! Just because you're the only one who didn't vote him doesn't mean you get to complain about being outvoted!"

She took shaky steps away from her podium. Teruteru gave her a confused look, scared for himself, but also wondering what she was up to.

"... Take me instead!"

Everyone was startled by her words, excepting Nagito and Monokuma. Monokuma looked angry, and Nagito looked absolutely disgusted.

"WHAT?! You interrupted me for that?!"

"Y-Yes! I-I would never have enough drive or reason to kill someone... If your aim is to get as many punishments in as possible, he'd be likely to do it again! So for this once, just--"

"Look, even if I wanted to, I can only punish the blackened and anyone who broke the rules!"

Nomura's eyes lit up a bit.

"Punishment! The imposition of an undesirable or unpleasant outcome upon a group or individual, meted out by an authority, one of the earliest words and its hard to find out who or when..."

She trailed off at the end, shaking her head.

"Thats not the point! The point is, you don't technically have to kill someone as a punishment! Kill me to get your blood lust out, and give Teru a slap on the wrist or something... Please!"

Monokuma paused, as did everyone else. Would she really... For a murderer? And since when did she have a nickname for him?

"... Nomura, you don't have to--"

Nomura's despair lifted a little.

"Wait, hold on! Nomura, you can't be serious!" (Kazuichi)
"NONONONO! Don't you dare--!"

Nomura had already thrown her jacket on the floor. It counted as littering, so she would be due for a punishment.
Nomura held a victorious smile on her face, and Nagito seemed proud. 

"Alright, let's give it everything we got! IIIIIIIITS--"

She gets dragged away by a chain that attaches to her waist. A wooden beam comes out of the wall and hits all of the podiums and furniture in the middle of the class trial out of the way, and all the students are dragged similarly to spots around a black-and-white TV displaying Nomura getting dropped down on a grassy field, the chain around her waist getting replaced by two around her ankles keeping her in place. 

Giant glass test tubes get dropped down behind each student, each attached with an unknown counter. Monokuma stands at his old podium, a massive space between them. Old 1600 music plays, and on screen briefly pops up some text; "The Stoning" 

Cardboard cutouts of each student pop up and surround her in a circle, each having a machine usually known for throwing baseballs at their side and a basket full of stones in it.

She knows exactly what's coming, and attempts to move her foot, but the chains prevent her. She already looks incredibly pained
One rock hits her from one of the card-board cutouts, knocking her off her feet. A second later, another one from Hajime's cardboard cutout hits her again, cutting her cheek. His counter goes up by one, and a Monokuma coin drops in front of him.
Each time a stone hits her it gets sucked up and dropped in the corresponding students test tube.
The 'Movie' skips forward at an incredible speed, yet even then it takes nearly a full minute to slow down again. Tons of rocks pile into each test tube. By this time she's beaten and bloodied from all the rocks. Each rock in a students test tube that has blood on it receives one Monokuma coin, and their counter goes up by one.

She's still alive, however, which is shown through her opening one eye and smiling triumphantly at the camera. Thumping is heard.
A massive Monokuma comes out holding a massive boulder. He throws it, and squishes her instantly, the boulder getting sucked up as well and with a large bang dropping in front of an ecstatic Monokuma, behind the students.
The sprayed blood from when she gets smashed by the boulder gets sucked up and sprays onto Teruteru. His punishment.

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