Lucky feels left out that his family and his person Wallace (My Oc) didn't hang out with him. So he decided to visit a abandoned house where a person named john passed away but his wolves are still living there. Even the Alpha of the wolves. Then Al...
Narrator: The next morning, lucky walked all the way from the farm and back to the house. Alpha was pleased to see lucky.
Alpha: Hello Lucky. Did you tell Wallace and your family to speak to the mayor?
Narrator: Lucky got nervous.
Lucky: I tried but they were very busy. They didn't have time to listen.
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Narrator: Alpha clenched his teeth as he growled. Just then, there was a crash.
Mark: Oh prickles and perttle juice. Who put that there?
Dash: Mark slow down. You'll get bashed and battered.
Mark: I am bashed and battered. I've asked and I've asked if we need a new technician. Instead of Mike here.
Alpha: Quiet!
Narrator: Everyone went quiet except lucky.
Lucky: Of course you need a new technician. You can't fix things without a technician. That's what Chris says.
Lucy: He's right lucky.
Narrator: Alpha calmed down a bit.
Alpha: Very good lucky. You see the trouble we have. You guys have Jake. Poor wolves, it's not fair isn't it?
Narrator: So lucky raced to find Wallace and his family. He ran all the way from the house to the car place. Lucky ran in and His family wasn't there. Lucky walked closer to jake.
Lucky: Jake, I've been to john's house.
Jake: But you shouldn't have gone there.
Lucky: The wolves are really friendly but they don't have a technician.
Jake: They don't have a technician? You can't fix things without a technician? That's what Chris says.
Lucky: I know.
Narrator: Then an idea popped in his head.
Lucky: Jake, you can go to the house. They need you there. You'll be their hero. That's what alpha would say i'm sure.
Jake: Alpha?! He would call me a hero?
Lucky: I'm sure he would.
Jake: My god. I've never been a hero before.
Narrator: Suddenly, Wallace and the gang came in.
Patch: Lucky, we've been looking for you all day.
Rolly: Chris sent us to the fire department to pick up sparky's pup-pack.
Two-Tone: But it's not there.
Narrator: Lucky was confused.
Lucky: It's not there? It must have been a friend delivered for me. He must've dropped off to the wrong department.