Chapter One

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The night was dark and the breeze that blew through Paris was colder than normal. Cat Noir perched on the edge of a building, looking out across the city. He enjoyed the peacefulness of the night, especially when he was not suffocating from boredom and the lack of freedom that being at home brought him.

Cat hummed softly to himself, a small tune that made his heart ache for his partner, wishing she would one day fall for him. But he had long since realized that was probably not something that would ever happen. In the day, he dated a girl named Kagami, and he was content with that. Ladybug would always be dear to him but he had exhausted every option he could think of to no avail.

He pulled out his staff from behind his back and opened his cat phone with a soft click, calling Ladybug not for the first time that night. He hoped that she would have transformed by now, but when she did not answer, he finally gave up hope.

Cat only called her because he yearned for the company of a friend. Today had been his 16th birthday, and his father had absolutely refused him to see his friends. He had been Cat Noir for over two years, and he and Ladybug were no closer to discovering the true identity of Hawk Moth. This fact bothered Cat on cold lonely nights, which just happened to be almost every night.

As he perched, his hums slowly became words, until he was singing aloud into the night. There were tourists down below and sometimes they would notice him and turn their phone upward, no doubt taking photos of the famous French superhero. "all alone without his..." he sung softly for about the hundredth time.

No, he refused to sit there all night and be sad. He had plenty of time to sulk in his bedroom after not being allowed to see his friends on his birthday. But in the night he had the anonymity of being Cat Noir, and he was not going to squander his chance to be free at least for the night by sitting in one place and not moving.

Cat slowly stood up, stretching out his legs and yawning quietly, shaking his head to clear the darker thoughts away. He looked out across the city, and started jumping from roof to roof, using his staff when he needed to propel himself forward.

The wind whistling in his ears was always one of his favorite sounds, as he effortlessly bounded from building to building, stopping only to change direction. He continued this for about twenty minutes, before growing slightly bored of the monotony of the dark night and the rooftops.

His ear twitched as he heard music not far from where he had stopped to reassess how he planned to spend the night. Who was out playing music so late at night? He had to find out, it would be like some sort of adventure, tracking down whoever it was, like a hunt. A hunt that for once he would succeed. After so many failed attempts at finding Hawk Moth... No. No, he would not allow these thoughts to plague the peacefulness he had felt only moments before.

So, without another thought, he shot himself forward with his staff towards the soft music. It grew louder as he got closer and he stopped only a building away, peering around a chimney to see where exactly it was coming from.

The Dupain-Cheng bakery. The music was playing from the balcony that he knew belonged to his good friend Marinette. Adrien's good friend Marinette. He was not sure what her feelings of Cat Noir were, but they had spent some time together, so he felt no hesitation as he completed the last jump to the banister of her balcony.

"Hello there, Princess." He rasps softly, smiling his signature Cat Noir smirk. Marinette was not expecting this late night guest, and because she had been facing away from the city, she had not known he was there until he spoke. She whirled around and scowled slightly, feeling for a moment like Ladybug before composing herself into a more Marinette like posture.

"Cat... Cat Noir..? What are you doing here so late?" she was still surprised by his visit, and was not quite sure if she was seeing him correctly. Cat Noir nodded and smiled even more as he realized that she was only wearing her pajamas, and fuzzy socks on her feet. He hoped she did not mind his arrival as he just wanted someone to talk to that was not Plagg asking for cheese.

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