Chapter Four

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"What do you do when all the feelings you thought you had for someone change? What am I supposed to do now?" Adrien demands of Plagg, as he wallows in bed with a pillow covering his face as he tries to hide from these new feelings he was having for Marinette.

It had been about a month since he had begun going over at night to the Dupain-Cheng bakery and hanging out with Marinette as Cat Noir. They would stay up late into the night talking and getting to know each other and occasionally would go up to her room as quietly as they could and play video games together. He enjoyed every second, starting to appreciate her in a way that he never had before. These feelings were so new and foreign, and he had no idea what to do with himself now, especially when he had to see her every day at school. She had no idea it was even Adrien that she was hanging out with and that made it almost unbearable because he couldn't even talk to her in the day. There had also been the break-up between him and Kagami, weeks before. He didn't know how to even feel about any of it.

Plagg did not care about his complaining as he was gorging himself on a pile of camembert that Marinette had given to Cat Noir for him the night before. He must have mentioned at some point that his kwami liked camembert because how else would she know that. Or it might have been because she was Multimouse. Whatever the reason, Plagg was absolutely in love with her now and could not wait to go back for more cheese.

Adrien pushes the pillow off his face and sits up, looking around his room, trying to figure out what to do with the remaining time in the day. There was probably an hour or two before he would be able to go out, and he was not entirely sure what to do with himself until then. His eyes darted around until he saw the hat that she had made him sit on his desk, and it gave him an idea. He jumped out of bed and went over to his desk, rummaging around for a piece of paper and a pencil beginning to take notes of everything he would need before he could go see Marinette that night.

Everything was all set up, and he felt just a bit like a fool for it all but hoped that it would make her happy to see that he was trying. He held a small bouquet of pink flowers that he thought matched her favorite shirt and was wearing one behind his ear as well. Behind his back he held a bag that was filled to the brim with random things.

When he knocked on the door, he heard clattering inside the bakery and then Marinette appeared before him. She was about to say something when she burst into a fit of giggles. "Cat!" She exclaims and excitedly pulls him inside before someone else saw him there with flowers.

He nervously gulps and holds out the flowers to her, "These are for you," he informs her with a half-smile. "I saved one for myself because I think it matches my eyes." Then he playfully poses with the flower behind his ear, still hiding the bag behind his back.

Marinette could not stop laughing as she watches him, but also rolled her eyes a little. "Silly kitty, green and pink?" She shakes her head and clicks her tongue a little as she looks down at the flowers with a soft smile. "Thank you, Cat Noir." She finally murmurs, as she lifts the flowers to her face to sniff them.

Cat Noir watches her with bright eyes and then side steps around her trying to keep the bag hidden from her as he walks behind the counter and puts the bag down on the floor. "I planned something for you." He informs her with a grin, "a bit of a date." He noticed her blush grow a bright red when he mentions it being a date and she tilts her head in confusion. "Don't worry, come on, I have somewhere to take you." Slowly, he walks back over to her and reaches out for her hand, "Come with me, mil- Princess."

Marinette smiles and nods a little, placing down the flowers and taking his hand gently. "Okay." She replies with a bit of nervous eagerness evident in her one-word response. He gently pulls her to him, and lifts her into his arms, overwhelmed for a moment by her warmth.

But he quickly gets over it as he walks back out the door of the bakery. "We won't be gone long." He promises and then uses his staff to hop up to the neighboring roof, and then runs for a little to a small area that he had laid out a blanket on the floor of the roof. "Here we are," he says as he places her on her feet. There wasn't much, just a blanket and a few of the flowers from the bouquet.

Her eyes were bright as she looks at the meager setup, "Cat.." she breathes out softly and then turns to him with the brightest smile he had ever seen her give. She looks back at the blanket and walks over to it, laying down on her back and looking up at the sky.

Nervously, Cat Noir joins her, laying on the ground, their arms almost close enough to brush against each other. "I was hoping for star gazing, but the light pollution makes that impossible." He admits awkwardly, turning his head to the side to look at her. When he did, he noticed that she had been staring at him too.

They made eye contact for a long moment, before she whispers to him, "what are you thinking about?"

He did not know how to answer that question truthfully, because he had not been thinking about anything. His thoughts had been fleeting as he admired the way the moonlight made her eyes look. How could he have been so stupid to not notice her before? Had she always been this beautiful? Surely she had, he had just been too oblivious to notice.

"Just... so many things." He finally replies, which wasn't untruthful but also not entirely the truth either.

Marinette chuckles and turns her gaze up to the sky, searching it for something as silence fell between them. He slowly looked away from her and looked up at the sky as well. At one point, she moved slightly closer to him, taking his hand in hers, and interlocking their fingers. That made his heart start to race, and he looked back at her face which was bright red from blushing, so he doesn't say anything, just looks away again. He very gently squeezes her hand, and closes his eyes, enjoying her closeness.

"Kitty..?" She whispers before yawning slightly and sitting up rubbing her eyes for a moment. He makes a soft noise to let her know that he was listening. Then Cat sits up as well, watching her for a moment as he waits for her to say more. "We should get back..."

That was not what he expected, but he knew that he had more planned for her, so he did not mind her wanting to go back to the bakery. He was craving some croissants anyway, and he told her so as he helped her stand up. "I'll clean this up later." He promises and reaches his hands out to her, ready to carry her back.

When they arrived back, he put her down on her feet and playfully patted the top of her head. Then he opened the door and let her walk into the bakery ahead of him, "I have something for you."" He informs her with a goofy little smile.

Marinette looks at him curiously and narrows her eyes a little, not sure what he could possibly have for her. "More than all the flowers?" She asks, glancing over at where she had left the bouquet from before.

Cat smiles playfully at her and walks around to where he stashed the bag. He holds it out to her and waits for her to walk over and take the bag from him. She was definitely cautious as it was clear she had no idea what it could possibly be that he had brought for her. Slowly, she pulls out the contents of the bag and bursts into a fit of giggles as she sees everything.

The bag contained a handwritten note that thanked her for all of the pastries she had "so very very generously allowed" him to steal from the bakery at night. There was also a video game copy of a game she had mentioned that she wanted about a week before. A t-shirt that he had signed with a sharpie that he had obviously gotten from a shop that sold random Ladybug and Cat Noir things. The last thing was a pretty necklace with a pawprint on it.

She was so surprised by all the gifts that she had no idea what to say to him, as she felt completely amused and warmed by it all. "Thank you, Kitty." She whispers and looks up at him with bright eyes, shining with a layer of tears. "I don't even know what to say."

Cat Noir watches her open everything with a quiet giddiness, and when she thanked him, he reached out and grabbed her hand, interlocking their fingers gently. "You're welcome, Princess." He says softly and then pulls her towards him, tilting her chin up so that he could better look into her eyes. "If I may.." he whispers as he leans down and presses his lips against hers. He felt her start a little in surprise by the sudden kiss, but she kissed him back just as willingly. They continued to hold hands as they kissed.

And their hands squeezed together. 

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