A Forgotten Life

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You are walking home through the streets of New York City, back to your cosy second floor apartment after a day of working at the cafe. It was late in the afternoon; around 6:30pm. Winter always meant that the sky began to darken ever so slightly earlier, and you'd rather be home before it got any darker.

It was a regular day, for the most part, a grumbling customer here and there but there's nothing abnormal about that. People in this part of the city LOVED to complain about everything.. Despite this normality something had felt strange all day, you felt restless, uncomfortable, like you were being watched intensely, or followed.

As if on some silent cue, you hear a male voice calling behind you..
wait did you hear that correctly?
Are you imagining things or did a man just call out your name?...
Your full name...

"Y/N Y/L/N! Oh by Odin's beard! Is it really you?" The unknown voice called after you.
"y/n please look at me" it continued.

You contemplated walking quickly away, but the voice seemed so familiar although also so unknown. It seemed to soothe you, sounding calm and inviting. It wasn't American, or much akin to anything you had heard in a long time, but it sounded similar to your own seemingly unique accent, why was that?

Against all rational judgement, you spun on your heel to see the man who seemed to know you. 

Turning towards the sound you are left face to face with a tall, handsome man with dark hair and an expensive looking fitted black suit. His crystal eyes, blue as the ocean gazed into your own, you knew those eyes, they seemed to take in every inch of your face and body, almost trying to make sure you are who they thought you were.

The mans face felt so familiar, yet you could not recall who he was at all, almost like a strangers face seen once in passing, a second of time if anything at all. And then seeing the same face in a dream, unable to place who it was but knowing that you had seen it before. It was frustrating.

The mans eyes lit up as he saw your face fully, recognising you. He spoke softly, but excitedly
"Lady y/n, I can't believe I'm seeing you again,
Asgard has missed you!".

You responded in confusion, head slightly tilted as you considered what he had said,
"Who are you? And how do you know my name? And what is Asgard??"

He looked at you sadly, realising you had no memory of him, and smiled with a hurt look in his eyes,
"Y/n you don't remember me do you?. Asgard is your home darling, and you were, are, my dearest friend"
He stepped towards you, closing the gap between you so you were merely inches apart, and continued,
"I am Loki, and darling you will remember me.."
With this final sentence, he stepped forward again and grabbed your hand, placing his other palm against your forehead quickly but softly as to not hurt you.

And suddenly you could see..

Asgard in all its glory, the castle in which you grew up..
Loki and Thor, as children, running with you in your armour after a long training session. Loki clutching your hand as you ran side by side..
Frigga and Odin, the king and queen of Asgard, they brought you into the castle to train you to become the warrior to protect the nine realms, a guardian angel, Loki had called it..
And so much more..

Memories of your forgotten Asgardian life filled your mind and you felt tears run down your cheeks as Loki released your head. He looked concerned at this and pulled you towards him to hug and comfort you. You buried your head into his chest and he held you close..

"Loki.." you whispered

"You remember me now then darling?" He replied with a smirk on his face.

You pulled away slightly and grinned up at Loki.
"Of course I do! How could I ever truly forget my dearest friend?.."

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