Glen Lantz #1

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You, Glen, and Nancy have been trying to avoid the infamous Freddy Krueger. Glen calls you and he sneaks into your house.

I sat on my bed, ready to start a long night of studying and reading. Freddy Krueger has been going around and killing people. Nancy and I have dreamt about him trying to kill us, but Glen... he doesn't really believe in the supernatural. He just kinda shrugs it off. I was opening my history textbook when I got a phone call.

"Mom, I've got it!" I called from my room. She loves listening in on my calls. "Hello?"

"Hey Y/n." I hear Glens voice on the other end.

"Glen! How are you?" I ask happily.

"I'm good, I was just wondering if I could come by later tonight. Maybe midnight. While everyone's asleep." Glen suggests.

"How are you going to sneak in exactly?"

"Through your window. All you have to do is let me in." Glen says.

"And if I don't?" I smile.

"Then I'll break your window and come in anyway." Glen laughs on the other end.

"That's breaking and entering, genius. Don't worry, I'll let you in." I say.

"Kay, see you soon. Bye, Y/n." Glen says.

"Bye. Wait, what if you just ask to come over and study and then you secretly stay? It would be so much easier!" I add.

"That is easier! I'll see you in a few!" Glen hangs up really quick as do I. "Mom, Glen is coming over to study with me!!"

"Okay, just keep your door open." My mom answered from downstairs, and I rolled my eyes at her comment. About a second later, I hear the doorbell ring, and I bolt downstairs to answer it. Glen showed up wearing his same clothes from school, as if he hated being comfortable.

"Ready to start studying?" I ask.

"Yep. Hi, Mrs. L/n." Glen says as he waved at my mom.

"Hello, would you like anything to eat?" My mom asks.

"No thanks." Glen says as he walks upstairs with me. We head to my room and sit down on my bed as I pull out my math book.

"So, why'd you want to sneak in anyway?" I wondered aloud, and Glen darted his eyes across the room.

"Oh, just to talk. That's it." Glen shrugs.

"Why couldn't you talk to me at school then?? We do that everyday!" I whispered yelled in confusion.

"It's just something that can't be said at school, y'know?" Glen says, and I nod.

"Tell me later tonight, okay? For now, we have to pretend we're studying. Then later, pretend you have to go but just hid in the front yard and climb my window later. It's foolproof." I say confidently.

"Alright, I trust you." Glen says, wrapping his arm around my shoulder. I suddenly get this feeling I should just turn around and kiss him. Just make the first move. So I do. Glen looks at me surprised first, but then gingerly kissed back.

"What was that about, Y/n?" Glen chuckles, shocked a little.

"I don't know." I smile brightly. But then I forgot that he was dating Nancy. "You're dating Nancy! I completely forgot!"

"It's alright, I'm actually not, we decided we just weren't right for each other. We're still friends though." Glen explains, and I sigh in relief.

"So, you're saying you like me then?" I say.

"Yes, I have for awhile. I just didn't know how to tell you, and I didn't want to hurt Nancys feelings by saying I don't love her anymore, but now we're broken up and bLaH blah blah." Glen says.

"Is this your way of asking me to be your girlfriend, Glen?" I smirk knowingly.

"Maybeee...." Glen smirks back at me, and I smile.

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