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Brookline's POV*
I woke up the next morning and took a thirty minute shower. I put on my Japanese cherry blossom scented lotion and some deodorant. I sat down at my vanity mirror as usual and put on light makeup which was mascara, eyeliner and lip gloss. I walked into my walk in closet and got a leather skater skirt that went to my knees, a white tank top and a navy blue, black and white flannel that went down to the bottom of my skirt. I topped it off with black Timberlands. I left my hair down wavy and then looked in the mirror satisfied with my look and went downstairs to make myself some breakfast. Afterwards I picked up my backpack and walked out to my car. Once I got to school, I got a phone call from my mom.
Mom"Hello, how are you?"
Me"Like you ever cared." I said in an annoyed tone.
Mom"you know what? I don't have time for you. You're a worthless piece of shit! " I then said "Well, screw you too and you can go to hell!!! I'm moving out!!!" I screamed. My mom then said "I knew that this day would come so I bought you a condo in case you would say that. The key is in the kitchen, underneath the cabinet right above the stove". I hung up and threw my phone in the back seat with tears in my eyes.

I got to school and my face was wet from all the tears that decided to let themselves loose. I looked in the rear view mirror of my silver and black Audi R8 and then saw Chris with a concerned look on his face. I then felt embarrassed for him to see me like this so I quickly wiped my tears as he approached my car he seen that I was crying and got in my car. I got nervous and then he said "Are you ok?" Those words were so simple but it triggered me to just break down in Chris' arms. He held me very tight and stroked my hair in a soothing manner. I felt really safe in his arms. When I looked up at him , he had sincerity and lust mixed in his eyes. He then leaned in and so did I and we kissed. The kissing turned into a heated make up session. Then I pulled way because I couldn't breathe and he said " I won!" We both chuckled . He actually made me feel a lot better , just his presence was medicine to my pain. We sat there in silence until we heard the bell ring from the PA system. So I grabbed my Galaxy printed bookbag and my phone from the backseat and ran with Chris to our first class. Our science teacher wasn't there again so the class had nothing to do because Mrs. Taylor didn't assign anything. So I was talking to Chris, I was happy until I seen Justin walk in. He looked at me and I looked at him for a quick second and looked away. Chris then said " Can you tell me why you were crying," whispering the last part. I said" Walk me to the janitor's closet , I want to talk about it privately." He nodded and we managed to slip out of class unnoticed. When we got inside the janitor's closet and locked the door , he said "Alright, now speak!" I then replied "Ok , well my mom and I got into an argument , the usual , she called me a piece of shit and I said screw you and told her I'm moving out and I came to find out that she knew I would move out soon so she got me a condo." As I was finishing speaking, tears threatened to spill but I put my emotional guard up. Chris then said " Well I was moving out anyway , wanna move in together?" I exclaimed "Woah , woah aren't we moving a little too fast!" He started laughing and said "I won't try anything, just tell your mom that you're moving in with a friend." I nodded my head in response. So after school , Chris followed me home so he can help me move out. I texted my mom and said "What's the address of the building 😕" She texted back "6972 Upper Marrion Rd and your condo is #23" I decided not to text back but I told Chris the address and turns out he's living at the same building and lives in #22. Therefore, it was no point in me moving in with him when I can just go across the hall and we gave each other our spare keys so we could come to each other's homes at any time. We finished moving me out around 5 pm and I put everything where I wanted it around 7pm. I ordered out and asked Chris did he want something and he asked for 7 chicken wings and fried rice and I asked for general tso's chicken with fried rice. The Chinese store did delivery so I asked for them to deliver it. The food came in about 45 minutes and during those 45 minutes Chris and I played Michael Jackson Experience on the Wii. All jokes aside , Chris beat my ass in this game but of course I wasn't going to admit it. Chris was worn out so he sat down. So I began playing ping pong using the Wii Game. While I was playing Chris told me to come to him so I came to him and he told me to sit on his lap. I blushed and sat on his lap. By the time, I was in the ping pong semifinals Chris was knocked out and the doorbell rang indicating that the food was here. I made sure not to be loud so I wouldn't wake Chris up and payed for the food which was 12.25 so I gave the delivery man 15 dollars and told him to keep the change as a tip. I ate for about 10 minutes while scrolling down my timeline on Twitter so I decided to wake Chris up because I was bored. So I said "Chris wake up!" He stirred in his sleep then went back to sleep. So I screamed " Chris wake up !" Then I shook him, he started groaning saying he didn't want to. So I sat on him while he put his arm around my waist. I needed to find a way to wake him up so I sat up and put my hands on my knees and started twerking on Chris. His eyes instantly shot open and he held a tight grip on my waist while I was twerking playfully. Then I ran up the stairs because I needed to pee. I came back down and Christopher was wide awake. So I sat in the reclining seat across from Chris. I looked at how perfect he was playing the Wii and I scanned his body and seen that his manhood was hard as a rock. I asked Chris " What is that?" while pointing at his dick and he rushed to pick a pillow up and put it over his crotch. I laughed so hard while he was blushing. Then he said "You did this, so you owe me one!" I replied "Oh really," while walking to him and I straddled him. He responded "Yeah." So I kissed him and I shoved my tongue in his mouth and massaged his tongue with mine, which earned me a long moan. He tightly gripped my waist while I was grinding on him. His groans were so sexy , lord Jesus!!! He then flipped us over on the couch so I was under him and he wrapped my legs around his waist. He began grinding on me , I could feel that he was big. I was moaning uncontrollably. How cann a man like him be so perfect?! .We both pulled away breathing heavily, and he said " Why can't you just be mine?"I was shocked but I said I'll think  about it. Surprisingly , it wasn't awkward . We fed each other food, and then put on the radio and we started dancing. I got  tired and watched Chris dance, he was
really good! So he finally sat down and laid on my titties. He then pulled his phone out and took a picture of us too and showed it to me. I begged Chris to delete it, he asked why and I told him I looked ugly, and as always Chris called me beautiful. He made it his screensaver and reached up to kiss me . I immediately kissed back, the kiss wasn't rough and fast, even thought I don't mind it that way but it was passionate and slow. We both ended up pulling away at the same time. I said to Chris "Chris , I'm going to sleep" He replied " Ok I 'll be up there soon." I then said " You're not sleeping with me, use the guest room." He mumbled something that I couldn't make out but I was tired so I ignored it. So I walked to the top floor of my condo into my room and into the bathroom. I brushed my teeth and washed my face. I went back into the bedroom and found my way into the walk-in closet and got some navy blue shorts and a tie dye tee shirt and put them on and laid in the bed. Right when I was ready to fall into a deep sleep, Chris walked in the room and took off his pants and shirt leaving him in his boxers and laid next to me in the bed. I asked " What do you think you're doing?" He replied " Trynna sleep, duhh !" I then said "I thought I told you that you're not sleeping with me." But then he responded " And I didn't listen so what ??" I was too tired to argue so I said " Fine but sleep on ur side and don't touch me." He chuckled and said ok. So I grabbed the remote control for the light and the fan and turned off the lights and slid the covers up. About 10 seconds after Chris moved around on my bed and faced me and moved closer to me and wrapped his arm around my waist and I groaned and said " Christopherrrr!" He said " Shut up and sleep Brooklinne!" Then he softly kissed me on my forehead , nose , and lips and we both slowly fell into a deep sleep .

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