Ruined Plans (Boyfriend!Soft!Bakugou x Reader)

686 26 21

Warnings: just fluff. oh, and cursing cause it's boom boy.

Words: 2.2k

Opening the door to your flat, your body shook as a wave of violent coughs racked through and you sniffled, rubbing your eyes to make sure you were seeing this clearly

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Opening the door to your flat, your body shook as a wave of violent coughs racked through and you sniffled, rubbing your eyes to make sure you were seeing this clearly.

Your boyfriend was standing there, trembling in anger.

"Katsuki?" You sniffled, rubbing your already red and chafed eyes, fighting through the nausea to see if you were imagining things. "Wha—"

He shoved past you without an invitation, angrily storming into the kitchen where he knew you kept your pots and pans.

Nope, definitely not your imagination.

Banging it onto the stovetop, Bakugou splashed water everywhere as he threw several things together faster than your foggy mind could process.

Wrapped up in a fluffy throw you had tossed around your shoulders when answering the doorbell, you waddled over to him. By the time you got there, you kind of pieced together what he was doing.

"You're makin' me zoup?" You asked, your stuffy nose making it hard to form your words properly but after years of dealing with you, he understood you perfectly.


"You dumbass." Bakugou spat as he furiously chopped up carrots, spinach, and several other vegetables at an inhuman speed, dumping in a can of chicken broth you were sure you didn't buy. "If you're sick then why the fuck didn't you tell me? You made me fucking wait outside."

You pouted, bowing your head in defeat. Today was his birthday. You had texted him the day before where he should go the next morning to begin his adventure that you had planned out but you had come down with something bad and was bed-ridden up until a few minutes ago.

It had completely slipped your foggy mind.

"... 'm sowee." You mumbled guiltily.

He flicked your forehead none too forgivingly as he turned down the heat to let the soup simmer for a few minutes. "Idiot."

You whined, cradling your forehead, which you were sure had a red mark on it. You grabbed a tissue and blew your nose, watching him through bleary eyes as he continued to stir the soup for you to eat.

He knew you didn't like drinking tea so this was the best way to go anytime you got sick, a surefire way to get something hot in your stomach and also ensure that you ate a decent meal. Especially since you were so bad at taking care of yourself.

After yelling at you to take a seat on the couch, Bakugou angrily tucked the blankets around you and ordered you to sleep.

"Buf arn't you makin me fud?" You said, nose all messed up from your cold and your boyfriend scoffed.

Ruined Plans (Boyfriend!Soft!Bakugou x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now