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The dim light of the fire place never felt so bright. There was a slight confusion in the atmosphere. After remaining blinded for such a long time, Leo's eyes were blurry and unfocused.

Through her blurry vision, the first thing that she noticed was her hands and legs that were tied against a wooden chair. Her wand was placed on a small coffee table, too far away from her reach. She was still in her school uniform even though the school hours were over a very long time ago.

She was going through the after effects of the sleeping spell that was casted upon her by her anonymous kidnapper. She felt dizzy and the dull headache was almost driving her insane. She tried the pull against the tight bindings but the rough ropes started cutting through her skin. She hissed in pain and stopped moving all at once.

So, this is the end of Leona Hart. At least, the kidnapper should be handsome...

"I am not even surprised," Tom scoffed as he came into the light. He was dressed in comfortable pants and a woollen sweater. His hair was a bit messy but he somehow managed to look like a runway model.

Leo tilted her head to one side. Tom was not tied or had any signs of restrains on his body. That only indicated one thing. He was the one who kidnapped her.

"Is this some form of your sick humour, Riddle? I thought we were already past that level of rivalry," Leo said with a bored voice, her body finally relaxed. But Tom's expression remained stoic. He twirled his wand between his slender fingers in a menacing manner.

"Is that so? Perhaps, you have miscalculated our level of friendship," he muttered through his clenched teeth. Leo's expression changed to that of a worried one. She leaned forward, trying to remember if she did anything to anger him.

She did steal his last pack of almond cookies but that was not a good enough reason to literally kidnap her and drag her to his torture chambers.

"What did I do?" Her voice turned soft and guilty as she stared at him with her big innocent eyes. Tom's cold expression wavered for a second but he collected himself once again.

"You tell me," he swiftly turned away from her and started walking towards the coffee table. He lifted up a small stack of papers in his hand and started reading through them. All while, Leo stared at the ground, trying to think what she had done to agitate him to this extent.

She looked up at him once again but he avoided her gaze. Before she could ask anything, he slammed the papers on the table and crossed the distance between them with two large steps. Leo widened her eyes as she tried her best to create some distance between them. Her heart beat increased and for a moment she thought that she would die due to the sudden tension between them.

"The pre- O.W.Ls is only taken on one and one subject only," he started. Leo frowned in confusion. The statement was very out of context and did nothing to help with her state of perplex. So, she remained silent, indicating him to continue.

"Divination. A subject that I strongly despise but that is the only way I can take advance arithmancy," his voice darkened as he stared deep into her brown eyes, " are good in divination, am I correct?"

Leo suddenly felt a bit proud and started to shrug arrogantly, "Well, I won't totally disagree to tha-"

"Then why in the name of Merlin did you fail in the pre- O.W.Ls?!"

Leo almost jumped out of her skin at the loud voice. Her face lost all signs of life. She finally realised what Tom was talking about. Their pre- O.W.Ls results came out in the morning and she had scored very low marks despite answering every single thing in the question paper. She was about to talk to the head master about it but got kidnapped out of nowhere.

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