Chapter 10: The battle

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(Alyssa's P.O.V)

Liam walked, almost strutted down the main carpet of the hall. hazz moved so i was behind him. i peeked out to watch as liam progressed to where we stood. he stopped right as he reached us. "well well well. my little swan.  your very naughty for sneaking awya from home." i saw niall tremble out of the corner of my eye. sophia was scowled wickedly. "WHERES MY WIFE?" zayn shouted running down the steps. "hidden" liam said as zayn got close liam blasted him back with a power shot. zayn flew back and hit the wall. servants caught him before he hit the floor.  "and you my little swan will join her. once i destroy your lover i will take over your kingdom and soon every kingdom!" sophia spread wings like a ravens. she swopped  then down. she grabbed me and flew me out of the hall "NO!!!" harrys shout called. i screamed as she carried me throughout the castle. she shoved me against a wall and then landed she folded awy her wings. she moved me to a room. a small damp cupboard. she leaves and locks the door. i look around and see somthing in a corner. its shivering and shaking. i approch it and realize its the real queen perrie. locked away in her own castle. "are you alright?" i ask kneeling down to her." n-no....." i have been in here for weeks."  she said. "is there anything in here thats useful?" i ask she shook her head i groaned and looked up. as i did i noticed a book shelf above me with a small object sticking out. the castle shook and a large roar was heard. then screaming. "i look at perrie "help me get up to that shelf!" she nods and stands up. i look at her better and see her face is stained and her dress is tarnished.  she comes over and cups her hand. i put my foot in and she lifts me up i grab the shelf. i pull my self up and on it is a sword, a screwdriver and a bottle of purple bubbling stuff. i grab all three and get down. i hold up the sword. then hand it to perrie. i run to the door and work on breaking the door knob with the screwdriver. the knob pops off and i break down the door. perrie smiles at me. "follow me and becareful" i say to her.she nods and follows me out. the castle is deserted. large roaring can be heard from downstairs. i hold the sword up. i peek around a corner. no one there. i gesture to perrie and we run around. but when we do, the hall isnt empty. sophia stood gracefully. he face was disgusted. her teeth bared. she transformed and her clothes rippped to shreds. she became a large fearsom wolf. she began to charge us i panicked and cringed back. i think i screamed. i saw perrie throw somthing and the was a burst of light. i look to see what it was. and there she lay. sophia was on the floor. in human form. gasping and coughing. "whoa" i heard perrie say. "i guess whatever was in the bottle was effective." i shrug and hold my sword to her throat. "wheres liam?" she looks at me and i give the tip some pressure. "great hall" she says. perrie grabbed some rope and tied her up. we dragged her along with us as we went down the stairs.  there was a bit of fire. we lock sophia up in a nearby closet. we made she it was locked tight. she couldnt use her hands or open her mouth as she was gagged. we run into the great hall. the sight is horrific.a dragon is deafeating everyone slowly. in the line of fire was harry and king zayn. harry spots me a dodges over to us. "mum! lyss! you both need to get out of here!"  "no way!" i say "look were going to be destroyed. theres no chance!" i look at the dragon that is liam. "i have an idea." i kiss harry quickly " i love you." i run into the room kick off my heels and climb up the scales of the dragon. liam of course noticed and looked back. he shakes as if the loose me but i stab my sword into him. he roars. i take this opportunity to climb onto his neck. i reach his head and he throws me into the air. i hold the sword downwards as i fall and it goes right into liams head. he roars again and im thrown off this time. i hit a pile of rock and stone. i blackout.

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