
606 53 29

It's so amazing how much support this book is getting!

I seriously got 10 votes over one night.


I'm so so so very happy to say that I have reached my highest amount of votes EVER on 'This took me 10 hours.' SO AMAZING

It is currently at 21 votes and that's the highest so far. I can't believe it!

Thank you all for the votes, but I'm not in it for them.

I love hearing all your support, and I can't tell you how much it means to me. :3

I usually get an occasional 'cool.' From other classmates, but they've come to just ignore me. :3

Love you all, thank you so much, and I hope you have a glorious wonderful amazing awesome beautiful day.

Good bye, my raindrops.


Art book #1 (Developing Art)Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt