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Hey guys, I know I haven't been posting a lot lately, and for that I'm really sorry. It's kind of been out of my control though. A lot has been going on family-wise and health-wise so I haven't had the time/motivation to draw much.

I'm making this chapter because you guys haven't been commenting/voting much and it's kind of putting me down. I really look forward to your comments and in the past 10 or so chapters we've had next to none on each chapter. I understand that lately I've been more into topics other than minecraft Youtubers which is still my main, but I would like you guys to understand and respect that I won't always stay on the same topic of interest. I would like to think that you guys believe that art is art, no matter what is happening in the picture, and if you like the art or think it has some potential that you would vote. Typically I base what I post on how many votes I get on each chapter, but lately it just hasn't seemed right. What do you guys want me to draw? I can't tell because you haven't been commenting and it's kind of worrying me. I really love wattpad and the people in it, and my main reason for continuing this book is the awesome community I've created because of it. But, as stated before and I will state it again, I haven't felt the fulfilling feeling of potential inspired from interacting with other people from completely different cultures from across the world by talking to eachother about one similar topic. It's absolutely breathtaking. So, could you please take 5 minutes of your time to reply or comment or favorite on my posts because it makes me happier than ever.

Thank you.

Art book #1 (Developing Art)Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt