The Dance

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had begun.

Soul hadn't even realized it was coming, I mean he had always known it would happen some day but he never expected it to happen so soon. He wasn't ready! There had been several signs. In the past six months Maka had begun to change, her legs had grown longer and her skin was flawless. She no longer deserved to be called tiny-tits although Soul still called her that. Her hair had grown longer and fuller, she no longer wore it in childish pigtails, instead she let the long blonde locks fall over her shoulders and down her back.

Soul had always thought she was beautiful but now other guys were starting to notice her. You see that is what had begun. The annual school dance was coming up and as they walked down the hallways of the DWMA several guys had already asked Maka to join them. So far she had told all of them no but eventually she would say yes.

"So who are you asking to the dance?" Kid asked Black Star and Soul as they sat at the lunch table waiting for the girls to join them.

"Tsubaki and I always go together" Black Star answered taking a large bite of the hamburger in front of him.

"Ah yes how could I have forgotten" Kid nodded, "how about you Soul?"

"I'm not going to some stupid dance" Soul huffed.

"Oh you are just jealous because Maka keeps being asked and you don't have the guts to ask her yourself." Liz said taking a seat beside her meister.

"I aint jealous" Soul barked at the weapon.

"Well you could have fooled me" Tsubaki said from behind him.

"Christ what is with all of you, it's like you think I like Maka or something." He said stuffing a handful of fries in his mouth.

"Well you do don't you?" Patty giggled taking a seat on the other side of Kid.

"Why the hell would I like a flat chested book worm like Maka?" he shouted laying his head down on the table so no one could see him blushing. The truth is of course that Soul really didn't like Maka. He loved her.

"What are you guys talking about?" Maka asked taking a seat beside Soul who in response hit his head against the table causing everyone to laugh. It was obvious to everyone how Soul felt. Well obvious to everyone except Maka that is.

"Nothing" Patty giggled.

"Are you ok Soul" Maka asked placing a hand on his soft silver hair sending a chill down Soul's spine.

"Yeah I fine" he answered gruffly.

"He must just be tired" Maka thought.

"Maka" someone said from behind them. Soul sat up coming face to face with one of the upper class meisters named Jacob. His dark blue eyes stared intently into Maka's emerald green eyes, Soul wanted to hit him for even thinking of looking at her like that. With so much lust.

"Get lost can't you see we are in the middle of a conversation" Soul huffed.

"Soul" Maka gasped, "what the hell is wrong with you? I am so sorry Jacob I don't know what has gotten into my partner."

"It's fine, so Maka the annual Death Ball is Friday and I was hoping that you might accompany me?" The tall brunet asked, he didn't even seem nervous. He acted like this was just some business deal and Soul hated him for that. Soul hated for lots of other reasons but he didn't like to admit it.

"I'm sorry Jacob but I don't think that will be possible" she said with a soft smile. Truth be told all Maka wanted was for Soul to ask her.

"Oh please reconsider" Jacob pleaded taking her hand in his own.

"She said she didn't want to go now beat it" Soul said pulling her hand away from his.

"Soul stop bing such an ass it is not cool!" Maka yelled standing up beside Jacob. "I would be honored to accompany you".

"Wonderful" Jacob beamed wrapping his arm around Maka and leading her out of the cafeteria.

"Who the hell does he think he is" Soul shouted.

"He happens to be the most promising meister his age and at the top of his class" Kid answered.

"You are just grumpy because you missed your chance with Maka" Black Star
stated bluntly. With one final punch to the table Soul left the table and headed home locking himself in his room.

Friday came and Soul and Maka still hadn't spoken. At around 4 Soul left to play basketball he couldn't stand seeing Maka all dressed up for Jacob. When the clock chimes 7 Soul headed home knowing Maka had already left. The apartment was dark and Soul didn't feel like having the lights on so he sat in the dark wishing he hadn't been so stupid. Why didn't he just ask her to the dance? With that thought weighing on his mind Soul drifted off to sleep.

Hours later Maka and Jacob were walking up the steps to the apparent she shared with Soul. The night had been a disaster, in hindsight it had been perfect any other girl would have thought it was wonderful but Maka wasn't pleased. All she could think of was Soul and how she would have spent the first part of the night begging Soul to dance and when he finally agreed he would let her stand on his shoes and they would dance all night. Jacob had actually stepped on her foot at one point. She just wanted the night to be over so she could go home and make up with Soul. The whole thing had been his fault but she didn't care the night she had spent away from him made her realize how much she loved him and she had to tell him.

"I had an amazing time tonight Maka" Jacob said when they reached the front door to the apartment.

"Me too" Maka said eyeing the door, she was so close.

"Well goodbye" he said pulling her into a hug. When Maka tried to pull away he pressed her against the mall and before she could protest silenced her with a kiss.

Soul awoke from a strange sound coming from the hallway. It sounded like someone was betting on the wall. A muffled cry for help reached his ears and he was out the door immediately. Seeing Maka pinned to the wall a stray tear rolling down her cheek Soul lost it. He pulled Jacob who was twice his size off his meister and into the adjacent wall.

"What the hell man?" Jacob yelled holding his head where he had hit the wall.

"I suggest you leave before I get angry" Soul said calmly pushing Maka behind him. Souls confidence sky rocketed when he felt her small shaky hand grasp his shirt.

"What are you going to do Soul Eater?" Jacob taunted.

"I think the real question here is what are you going to do? All by yourself with no weapon" Soul said with a devilish grin allowing his fingers to turn into miniature scythes raking them across the wooden door. All the color in Jacobs face was gone and within seconds he was stumbling down the steps and into the street.

"Soul" Maka said nestling her head into his chest. Soul took the oppertunity to wrap his arms around her.

"I am so sorry Maka I was such a jerk" he said squeezing her gently.

"I'm sorry too Soul I only said yes because I was mad at you, I really only wanted to go to the dance with you." Maka said looking up at his crimson eyes.

This was it! If he didn't say it now he never would,

"I love you Maka" Soul declared blushing. Maka giggled, she had never seen Soul blush.

"I love you too Soul" Maka replied pulling him in for the kiss they had both been longing for sense the day the had met.

Reluctantly Soul pulled away from the kiss picking Maka up and carrying her inside. Inside the apartment Soul could see Maka clearly she looked so beautiful, he wish he could have been the one to take her to the dance.

Maka saw the way he was looking at her, she knew him well enough to know what he was thinking.

"May I have this dance" Maka asked playfully.

"It would be my honor" Soul replied allowing Maka to take her place on top of his feet.

They spent the rest of the night just like that, Maka and Soul dancing in their living room. Maka dressed in a floor length ball gown and Soul in a sweatshirt and red skinny jeans. There was no music but they had each other, and that was all they really needed.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 24, 2015 ⏰

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