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Hello everyone 😀
Hope u all well... taking care of yourself 😷
So let's come to the point now 🙂...
Few days ago I told you all that I will start giving you Targets from now... It's has been 3-4 days still target is not completed 😅.... I don't know why... Anyways.... I came here to tell u all that now onwards I will not give any TARGETS as I want to finish my FF as fast as possible.... And still i have not completed even half of it...
And so next part of my story..."IN SEARCH OF LOVE ❤️" will be posted soon 🔜 😜 so till then if possible complete the Target otherwise it's okay...... U r not voting and commenting what I can do... It's completely in your hand... Anyways thank you 121 views on my last part with 23 likes and 8 comments 😿🙏
Thank you for reading 🙏🙏🙏
Hope u will like further parts... And I will get few more likes and comments ☺️😜
See all soon...

IN SEARCH OF LOVE❤️Where stories live. Discover now