descriptions ⇴ tips

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[ I struggle with descriptive writing, so here are some tips that helped me ]


- do not describe what is not there

ex; the land was not covered with beautiful green and lush trees that she had seen in her dreams

I learned that the human brain automatically thinks of the thing being described, even if it states that it is not there.

[ something you can do instead ]
- the flat land rolled out forever, it was unlike the image she had seen in her dreams


- do not start with the main character doing an everyday thing

ex; he woke up, quietly slipping out of bed

I have made this mistake a ton, and I would love to go back and fix it, describe interesting things around your character, and start with the character doing something exciting, to draw the reader in.

[ something you can do instead ]
- he breathed out quickly, a sword in his hands. a big, black monster towered above him. then as quickly as it appeared, it lunged forward, and everything went black. he then woke up in a sweat, breathing hard. he quietly slipped out of bed, trying not to wake anyone. it was just a nightmare.


- try not to use adverbs

ex; she coughed, her sickly voice spoke

again, another mistake I do a ton, adverbs modify verbs or adjectives, and it makes it seem like that verb is the only word you can use, a thesaurus is the best way to find another word to replace the adverb.

[ something you can do instead ]
she coughed, her ailing and crackly voice spoke


[ this is kind of short, sorry! but I'll post some writing prompts next~! ]

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⏰ Last updated: May 05, 2021 ⏰

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