Chapter 89

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From beginning to end, Maze City took only 2 months to film.

     For an action, suspense movie, the filming of this work went very smoothly. Among the cast members, except for Ren Shuzhi’s acting skills being common, the two leading actors who had the most scenes performed well and rarely NG’d. Director Yuan also didn’t expect the filming to be completed one week earlier than expected. But even so, the crew members didn’t dare slack off.

     Rong Xu was the first to arrive at the crew, and Bo Xiwen was the second. Within half an hour, the sky gradually brightened, and Director Yuan and other staff members entered the set one after another to prepare for the last few scenes.

  In the scenes filmed yesterday, the criminal had already been apprehended and brought to justice. The criminal had crazily repeated the phrase “they deserved to die” and in the end, the judge made the final decision and sentenced him to the death penalty.

     The serial murder cases that haunted Hai Cheng for more than a year were finally over. Tan Yangxuan received a high-level honor and was promoted to Bureau Captain. Xue Jiazhe returned to school and continued to teach every day as the youngest professor.

     Everything seemed to have come to a close, until one day, while Xue Jiazhe was in class, a tall and handsome man sneaked in through the back door of the classroom hunched over. When he saw this scene, Xue Jiazhe’s words paused, and the “student” who sneaked into the classroom smiled and waved at him with white toothed grin.

     At the podium, the genteel and handsome man smiled slightly before continuing his lecture.

     That was the scene filmed yesterday. Today, Tan Yangxuan would look for Xue Jiazhe after class. 

     Similar to the beginning of the movie, Professor Xue was quite poisonous to this old classmate of his, but this time, Tan Yangxuan gave a small laugh: “No cases. Where would so many cases come from? I can’t come see you if there aren’t any cases?”

     The eyes of all the crew members were gathered on the center of the set. There, the cold and elegant young professor raised his eyebrows and said quietly: “You came to see me?” No matter how one listened, the end of his tone carried a hint of laughter.

     In the past two months of performing, Rong Xu had practically completely become Xue Jiazhe.

     Whenever the camera started running, as long as he stood there, one would never connect this individual with the gentle and friendly Rong Xu. He was calm and indifferent, seemingly polite, but distanced himself from everyone. A pair of apathetic eyes were hidden behind the frames of his glasses, appearing as though he could see through everyone’s mind.

     Except for this old classmate of his, he never truly laughed for anyone else.

     Facing Xue Jiazhe’s almost sarcastic rhetorical question, Tan Yangxuan smiled heartily and grabbed his friend as he walked.

     They bought a ton of beer and then went to Xue Jiazhe’s apartment to drink together. It was pretty much only Tan Yangxuan drinking. Xue Jiazhe drank little, and when he (felt he) drank too much, he (stopped and) listened to this old classmate reminisce about the past.

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