Trust issues

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You're in a bad mood and walking alone in a not very technologically advanced city, when you come across a black haired young girl with light blue eyes and pale skin she was wearing a pink and green shrine maiden, boots and accessorized with a headband adorned with emotional cartoon like faces.

Her eyes were full of tears, she was crying and she was all alone.
You decided to check up on her.
She was sitting down on the ground with her back against the wall her face Placed down on her knees and her arms crossed as you walk up to her.

"What's wrong little girl?"
You ask with a concerned look on your face. She doesn't reply so you decide to ask again, "Are you ok?"
She looks up at you with a sad expression and her face wet from tears.
You hug her since she looked like she needed comfort.
"Hey kiddo what happened?"
You asked her then let go of her.

"Me and my brother parted ways with our friend" she said with a sad tone.
"And I'm really gonna miss him"
she added.

"Listen I know your sad, and I know you feel like an important part of your life just walked out the door, but believe me it'll be ok, and you will move on. Because when something breaks you down you'll build back up."
You said with a smile on your face.

You saw her sad expression slowly turn into a small smile, what a sweet child. Suddenly you heard someone yell "alluka" you turned around and saw a boy with fluffy white hair, deep blue eyes and pale skin he wore a white shirt with short sleeves and a long sleeved dark blue shirt underneath, light blue shorts and Magenta colored shoes.

The young girl ran up to him,
"oni-chan" she yelled and hugged him.
So this is her older brother? You thought to yourself, your smile flattened and you looked at him with a bored expression.

"Why would you run of like that?!" The boy asked with a slightly mad but worried tone.

"It's just that I was sad that gon left"
She answered.
"But then this nice lady made me feel better" she said and pointed at me.

The white haired boy turned to look at me and just stared, there was a moment of silence until the boy snapped out of his daydream.

"T- thank you" he said rubbing the back of his neck and blushing a little, he was so quiet I almost couldn't hear him.
"No problem" I replied, the situation was so awkward.

"There you are" you heard someone talking behind you.
You turn around and it's none other then the two perverts who bothered you before... they were the reason you were in a bad mood.
"Ugh what do you want?" You say annoyed.
"Just to have some fun with a pretty lady like you" one of them replied, they both smirked.
"I told you already I'm NOT interested, plus isn't it obvious that I'm underage?" You said rolling you eyes.
"I know, i know, your not interested but we can't resist the temptation to 'play' with you. your just sooo beautiful" you could basically see the hearts in their eyes.

"Thanks but no" you answered they were starting to get on your nerves.

"But bab-" he was cut off before he could finish the sentence.
"No means no"
You turned around to see the white haired boy speaking.
"She's not your 'babe' you shouldn't try to force a woman to do something she clearly doesn't want to do, so leave her alone perv" he said with his hands in his pockets.
I looked at him slightly shocked.

"Who do you think you are? Mind your own god damn business"
The other a$$holes said as he walked towards me, he was about to grab me when he fell to the ground. The white haired boy was the one who knocked him out. "You bastard" the other guy yelled as he charged at the boy, but he got knocked out in a blink of and eye.

"Sissy are you ok?"
The little girl said with a worried look.
"Yeah I'm fine... wait sissy?"
I asked and looked at her with sweet but shocked expression.
"Yes I want to call you sissy since your my new big sister"
She said with a large grin, both me and her brother were surprised.
"Is there a problem with that? Do you not want me to be your little sister?" She asked her smile turned into a frown...
"I-" you were cut off by the white haired boy "alluka she can't be your big sis we have to leave and I don't think she'll be joining us..." he said.
That's right, Her name is alluka. You thought to yourself, remembering that he called her by her name when he found her.
"B-but I don't want sissy to leave"
Alluka started tearing up.
I didn't want her to be sad and I guess I have nowhere else to go so... "I'll come with you" I said with a determined look.
"W- whaaaa?" The boy said in shock.
While alluka looked extremely happy and clapped her hands, "yay" she yelled tossing her hands up in the air.
"But that's only if your oni-chan will agree obviously" I added and looked at him, and so did alluka with pleading eyes.

"Fine I guess" he sighed with his eyes closed.

Time skip~
We're back at the hotel where alluka and her brother was staying.
Me and the white haired boy were alone in the room together since alluka was eating.
"Hey cotton ball" you called to the white haired boy.
"Huh? Cotton ball? I have a name you know" he said.
"And that is??" I asked.
"Killua" he replied.
"Ok then, killua about before... thank you for helping me with those pervs, but I could handle it myself" you said pouting and staring at him with your arms crossed.

"Jeez you don't have to be so rude..." he muttered to himself.
There was a moment of silence.
"I guess I'm in your depth now... but that doesn't mean I trust you"
I said, breaking the silence.
"Ok but may I ask why you don't trust me? I mean I haven't done anything wrong have I?"
He asked with an innocent look, he's kinda cute... wait what am I thinking?! I can't let my guard down!
"because all men are the same"
I replied.
"Huh" he said confused.
"Men always try to assault me because I'm 'so pretty'" you said with a disgusted look.
"How dare they!" You hear killua yell and look at him with a surprised expression.
"I mean yeah your beautiful but that gives them no right to assault you! A true man knows how to respect a woman!"

You blushed like crazy since he just called you beautiful. But this isn't the first time a man called you beautiful so why do you feel like this... why is your heart beating so fast? Why do you fell so... warm?
When killua saw you blushing he turned as red as a tomato since he realized what he had just said.
"I- I mean... I'm sorr-..." he tried to say all flustered but I cut him off and told him it's fine.
He seemed like he meant what he said about respecting women... maybe not all men are the same...
Part two is too cute to handle😩❤️

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