16:Bye Princess

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3 days Later

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3 days Later

I wake up on this hard bed, It's court day today. Great. An officer comes into my cell to escort me to the cafeteria. I sit down and eat my nasty breakfast but it starts to taste better as time goes by. After I'm done eating, I'm escorted to a room where Daniel is. "Hey, Ms.Lopez are you excited its court day" Yeah like I'm excited I'm going to spend years in prison. I reply "Sure, yea let's get this over with" "Okay well court starts at 11 and it's 10:37, you will be wearing this in court" he hands me a shirt and some pants.

"Get dressed and met me outside when you're down"I start to get dressed and try to fix my hair a little bit while looking at the medal table as a mirror. I start to walk outside and see Daniel standing there. I walk up to him and say" Im ready lets go" "okay lets go" he relpies. We then get in a back of a black suv type of car.

Few Mintues Later

We arrive and as soon as i step out of the car their are cameras and lights flicking all over the place.I was wondering why all this people where here then i relized i was married to a billioniare who has millions of fans. People are asking my all different types of question like "Ms.Lopez did your husband drive you to kill people." "Why did youre husband lie about youre death" "Why did you try to kill Mr.Hernedez's Guard"

I start walking faster to avoid them but they were everywhere.I finally get inside the court hosue and quiet finally . I turn to Daniel he had the same expression. "Follow me" Daniel said.

I follow him and we start heading and we finally get in front of the door."You ready?" Daniel asks me "Yea i guess" The police officer behind us opens the door. And all heads turn to me.I turn to the crowd and see ewwwww. Ace and his new Wife rubbing her belly.I gave a questing look.

(I dont know what happens in a court room so i just guessed)

I follow Daniel to our seats.I see Alex across from us , with his laywer. The judge then said "Samantha Lopez do you swear to tell the truth in the name of law" "Yes " He askes Alex the same thing." Okay lets begin"

"Your honor my client was resting at home when Samantha lopez came over to his home and nearly stabbed him to death."Alezs Lawyer said . Daniel shood up and said "Your Honor My client went to Alexs home to be friends but when she got there , she went to the rest room, when she was using the restroom she heard Alex on the phone with her ex abusive husband Ace. She was scared that she would of had to go back to him so she lashed out and attacked Alex becuase she was scared and didnt want to get hurt again. "

The judge asked me "Is this true?" i answered "Yes your honor i was so scared becuase i didnt want to go back to my ex husband"I sounded scared and helpless. I turn to Ace . He looked Angry.

Alex's Laywer told up and said "Your honor when you are afaird you can someone or you call the police you do not take matters into your own hands . Anyless you stab them mutiple times." I then said "I didnt want to call the police becuase when i did on differernt occasions they didnt help me , When i did call they would come and see i lived with Ace and would just leave. I had no one to call becuase i was isoclated and alone for nearly 3 years."

I sat back down and start crying , oh no not for real it was all an act so they take pity on me.

After Hours of going back and forth. The judge the said "Samantha Lopez you are setenced to 2 years in California State Prison and 6 months in a mental illition" An officer comes to me and puts me in handcuffs. We start walking away and i walk past Ace and he mouthed "Bye Princess"


This is the end of this chapter

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