22:Oh Boy

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I woke up to guards knocking loudly on my cell door

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I woke up to guards knocking loudly on my cell door."Breakfast is ready inmate".I walk up to the door and look up to see one of the same guard that trues to do funny things to me.

He looks at me and smiles , "oh I have it seen you in a while , you know my buddy is in the hospital because of you". I stayed silent I didn't want to talk to him. He walked in the cell, I start to back up. As I was turning my head he hardly grabbed my face.

"I'm talking to you, so you better answer."he said . Another guard came to see what was going on."Take me to breakfast" I said with an attitude.He smacked his lips, Then put me in cuffs and walked me to the cafe.

As soon as I got to the cafe everyone was laying eyes on me . I didn't like all this spotlight. The guard took the handcuffs off and whispered "go eat your blueberry muffin". I looked up to him and eww I was disgusted .

I went to the line to get my food, when a group of females walked up to me. "Yes may i help you?" "Wanna hang with us? "The one i guess is the leader asked. " Why would I do that?" They all looked at each other. The leader I assume spook again.

"We know what you're in here for and by the way you fight you can't take down ...a millionaire . We just wanna help ." "How can y'all help ?" I said questioning.

Then look at each other and smile. "Okay during break your going to start your training, in the meantime come seat with us."

I get my food and sit next to them. Kinda question "what do they mean by training?" I say to myself Thinking .I turn and to my surprise I see the girl I fought and some others girl watching me like a hawk. I turn back to my table and eat. The girls introduced themselves .

To my guess I was correct the girl that was talking was the leader . Here names Sarah and she in here for assault with a deadly weapon. She explained everything to me , she's in her for 25 years.

The others introduced themselves also as Rebecca, Krisha, Lofty, and S. She didn't really give me a name she said call her S. I felt comfortable around them.

I enjoyed talking with them. But breakfast ended quickly and I just had to wait till break.I was cuffed and walked back to my room.

I open my notebook as soon as I got back in my cell.I was sitting there thinking when I still had no ideas. "Maybe. I should let Sarah help me" . She could help me get revenge on Ace.

I close my note book and just lay on my bed.  Was going to wait till break to see how they could help me .

//////////Break Time//////////////

I hear the bell ring and everyone was cuffed and tooken to the yard. I get cuffed and walked in the yard. I had to put my hands in my face. I hadn't been out here for nearly a month. Da*n solitary confinement. I get my cuffs taken off.

I look around to look for Sarah and the crew.I walk up to em. They turn and see me "Hey girl training day" Rebecca said. I look around to only see 50 pound weighs. "So whats is the training" I ask.

They all back up and the leader Sarah walks up to me ."We are not going to train you physically but mentally.You act on your emotions , And we need to stop that. You need to get faster, stronger, and tougher" "Okay , What's first " i say. "You're going to be lifting our lightest weight today. A 45 pound weigh on each side."

I was just looking at the table when Sarah yelled "BEGIN" I walked to the weights. "Oh boy"I say as I lay on the bed like thing.

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