The Beginning

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Many Years Ago
"Girls dinner" Fiona yelled from inside. Her two children Megan and Catherine were outside playing.
"Coming" Catherine said putting the chalk away that her and older sister, Megan got out. 
Catherine then went inside listening to her mother.
They lived in a decently sized modern home. All the houses pretty much looked the same, but next to their home was a river. The river went between two houses and traveled down by a lake.
Megan saw a little sparkle in the water that made her want to go in. She started walking towards it. Hearing whispers she went in the water. The river was shallow, but well, Megan, she couldn't swim. Bobbing her head underwater she managed to scream.
"Megan"  Fiona gasped running outside to help Megan
"I fell in" Megan said
"You're ok now, come on, let's go inside" Fiona replied "Catherine, why didn't you help your sister"
"Sorry" Catherine sighed "I was inside"
"You could have came outside like I did" Fiona scuffed
"Thank you" a voice whispered to Megan

Max just moved to Rivertown
Rivertown is a small city outside Paris, France.
Max moved to a simple neighborhood. It had a pretty river that lead to a nice lake with a beach. It was a very simple but rich neighborhood. It was also one of those where almost every house looked the same. All huge, white and modern. You would assume it is all old people living there with the amount of rocking chairs on the porches.

It was a quiet afternoon and Max was out fishing on the river next to his house. Well on the little bridge, he wasn't on a boat or anything.
The river was had bits of ice but overall it wasn't frozen. The river was a decent size, it traveled through the neighborhood, houses on either side of the river. The river ended at lake behind the neighborhood.
There was a little bridge that crossed over connecting the sidewalks.

Max had always enjoyed fishing, even ice fishing, I guess this is almost ice fishing.
It was a clear night, when maybe a fish caught his line, trying to reel in whatever caught his line, Max lost his balance, and tumbled into the water. Looking up from the water he saw a figure of what looked like a woman.
"Going swimming" a girl asked as she was walking taking her trash out, and saw Max in the water.
"Not intentionally" Max laughed to himself "I'm Max by the way" moving towards the edge so he could attempt to get out.
"Catherine" the girl replied she had her long dirty blonde hair tied in a ponytail, her hoodie looked a little wet from the splash of Max's fall.
"Can you help me up" Max asked putting his glasses back on that fell in the water with him
"Yeah" Catherine said helping Max on the grass
"Where did that other girl go" Max asked noticing the figure disappeared
"What other girl" Catherine asked
"She was taller, dark black hair, I think she had tattoos" Max said looking at Catherine's face, no response "maybe I was seeing things"
"Maybe" Catherine sighed
"It's a beautiful night, I wasn't getting anything, so I was going to pack up, I don't get where that fish came from" Max laughed
"Yeah" Catherine laughed "it's such a clear night, I'll give you an address to a better place to fish"
"Thank you" Max said shivering a little, his sweater and jeans were drenched, the water dripped down from his short brown hair didn't help.
"Did you just move in" Catherine asked
"Yeah, right there" Max said pointing to his house
"I'm right there" Catherine said referring to her house
"Yeah" Max said
"Here, text me and I'll give you that fishing spot" Catherine said handing him a paper with her number on it
"Thanks" Max smiled
"Good night, Max" Catherine said
"Good night, Catherine" Max said grabbing his fishing supplies, turning towards his house and heading inside
"Poor guys in for a real treat" Catherine said to herself and headed inside her house

Inside Catherine's House
Catherine sighed sitting on the couch of her childhood home, that was her home now and looked nothing as it had before.
With Max swimming, she needed to talk to Sam.
"Sam" Catherine mumbled to herself knowing he could hear, and just like that her phone rang.
S: You ok
C: I think so, my new neighbor, Max just moved in
S: Is he cute
C: For you
S: One day I'll be able to date again but I don't think that's why you wanted me to call
C: No it's not, he swam in the river next door
S: Nothing we can do now, but hey, keep an eye on him
C: Yeah I will, I figured you'd want to know
S: Yeah I can't sense things as good as she can
C: I know
S: Stay safe out there
C: Will do, you'll have to meet Max, think you'd like him
S: One day
C: One day
S: She's not here, so how are things? Get Elle back yet?
C: Things are fine, my company is fine
S: Not what I asked
C: I'm not getting Elle back, she's happy and in love
S: If you didn't break up with her many years ago you'd still be together
C: I know but that was then and this is now
S: You love each other that has to mean something
C: Not to her
S: Talk to her
C: No, I'm not worth it Sam
S: Catherine that's not true
C: But it is
S: Catherine
S: Look I got to go
C: I'll be ok Sam
S: You better be
C: Bye Sam
S: Bye Catherine
"I need wine" Catherine said to herself setting her phone down on the coffee table heading into the kitchen. Not long after she owned this house she changed the kitchen completely and added a decent sized wine fridge.
She loved her wine.
After pouring herself a glass she headed back into living room when her phone vibrated
S: Go to sleep
C: Quit watching me
S: Just making sure you don't get too drunk
C: Me drunk? Never
S: Good night Catherine
C: Good night Sam

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