"Whom are we expecting for dinner tonight?", Noor licked her fingers as she tasted the delicious dishes cooked by her mother. "Ms. Qureshi, show some manners", Azaan made fun of her gluttony and knocked her head playfully. "Ammi hardly makes anything special unless guests arrive", she complained, gaining a sharp glare from her mother. "Eat less else I will not marry a fat pig", Azaan taunted her. "As if I am dying to get married to you", she looked away dreamily, "I am waiting for my handsome prince charming".
Azaan laughed out loud while Noor's mother shook her head in dismay. She knew that her daughter was a dream bird who dwelled in her own La-La land. "You are not a kid anymore. One day you will be wedded to Azaan. So come out of your dream world and start giving him respect he deserves". Noor pouted but as usual Azaan helped her out, "Leave it, Yasmin Aunty. She is still a kid. It will be illegal if I marry her". Noor stuck her tongue out and ran out of the kitchen.
Yasmin could only wish that Noor will act a bit maturely. It is agreed that she is young but her antics often worried Yasmin. Azaan on the other hand was matured beyond his age and behaved wisely. Yasmin felt fortunate that he was destined for Noor. Both kids are childhood friends and still bickered the whole day but she knew deep down Azaan cared a lot for Noor while she remained oblivious to his feelings. "I hope she gives up her childish ways soon", Yasmin sighed. "She will", Azaan consoled her, "anyways, don't we love our Noor the way she is?". Yasmin has to agree with him.
"By the way, who is the guest of honour tonight?", Azaan was also curious. "Serhat Demirkan", Yasmin replied. "Wow! What a name?" Azaan exclaimed. She smiled at his innocence, "He is from Turkey but his great grandmother was from our country. His family is very wealthy and for generations have invested in many of our businesses. Usually their employees deals with everything here but after a long gap someone from Demirkhan family is visiting us". "Hope his presence is as magnificent as his name", Azaan joked.
Indeed all were impressed when Serhat Demirkan graced their home with his presence. His fine features and white complexion complemented his well-built body. With think brown locks and brown sparking eyes he impressed every female even from a distance. But with his amicable behaviour and good manners, he won admiration from males too. Azaan could guess that he would be in his early 30s. He was educated abroad hence spoke fluent English ofcourse with a tint of drool worthy accent. The thick beard and mustache made him look older yet his youth was not hidden behind it. For his age, he had achieved a lot in business. Soon Azaan started to look up to him.
Serhat Demirkan
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Noor was busy stealing desserts from kitchen. As per traditions, she was not allowed to feast on them unless guest was fed. "Don't you dare, Noor", her mother caught her red handed but she managed to ran away. She wanted to sneak inside the library to enjoy the treats. But she tripped and fell down as soon as entered the library. To her utter embarrassment, it wasn't empty. Azaan was showing Serhan around the library. "Noor, are you okay?", Azaan was concerned but she slapped away his hands and jumped to her feet to flee. But to her ill luck, her foot sprained and she lost balance again. She would have fell down again if not for the strong hands that surrounded her. She had shut her eyes tight in fear of fall but a deep voice consoled her, "You are safe".
Depth and tone of his voice, prompted Noor to open her eyes quickly. She gasped when realised who has held her. Man of her dreams. She gulped hard, still lost in his presence. "Are you okay?', he asked with concern but she blinked at him like a fool. "Noor, sit here", Azaan's voice disturbed her. For the first on her life, she was irritated by her best friend's concern. She was still finding it hard to walk. So the stranger helped her to the seat that Azaan had pointed. "Let me check her foot", he offered while Azaan stood near Noor. Although still in pain, Noor riveted the care Serhat bestowed on her. Again Azaan disturbed her, "It's going to be okay, Noor". When she glared at him, he introduced her to their guest, "He is Serhat Demirkan from Turkey. Your father's business associate". Turkey, her favourite place. No wonder she felt instantly attracted to Serhat Demirkan. "Hello Noor", when he greeted her, she turned crimson.
"Just a sprain. Nothing to worry", Serhat told them after checking her swollen foot. Noor felt sad when he withdrew his hands from her injured leg. "Teşekkür ederim", Noor thanked him in Turkish. Serhat seemed to be surprised as well as impressed so he replied , "Rica ederim". But Noor was unable to understand. Azaan laughed out loud much to her dismay. "I am really sorry, Mr Demirkan but it was damn funny", he curbed his laugh, "Our Noor has recently taken a liking to Turkish Dramas. So she doesn't know beyond couple of words in Turkish". Noor wanted to scream at Azaan but when Serhat laughed, she forgot her anger. She was ready to be on the receiving end for his beautiful smile. "Mr. Demirkhan said you are welcome", Azaan explained but Noor pinched him in anger. "Ouch", he yelped and offered to take Noor to her room.
Noor looked back at Serhat who was standing at the threshold of the library. She was happy that Serhat was noticing her when she was leaving. Her heart fluttered with joy, considering his interest in her. But unknown to her, Serhat was looking at the young couple. In few minutes, he could read feelings in Azaan's eyes. Love for his childhood sweet heart. He was gazing at them since they reminded him of his own past. Unknowingly Noor & Azaan reminded him of those days that he desperately sought to forget.
Few Days Later. "Azaan please", Noor whined but he didn't give in. "Noor, Mr. Serhat is a busy man and not some school teacher who will sit and teach you Turkish language", he chided her away. "Azaan, please. It will help me to enter college", she begged. "Noor, I know you have zilch interest in attending college. With your marks, you won't be able to get an admission in any college", he rebuked her. "Thats why I want to learn Turkish. Then I can apply to study Turkish Arts and Culture. It won't be difficult to get admission for it", she reasoned, "Can't you do atleast this much for me? Or do you always want me to embarrassed as a non-graduate".
Azaan sighed. Noor's idea was crazily impractical. But she seemed to have made up her mind and there was no point arguing with her. Eventually he agreed to talk to Serhat. Still he was sure that after the initial spirit, she will slowly give up the effort. Because Noor is never interested in studies. He hoped Mr Serhat won't be disturbed by Noor
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