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In the early years of this world, a time when peace seemed to prevail, one would never have fathomed the possibility of another devastating war. Yet, as history has shown us, the human capacity for conflict knows no bounds. It was during this tumultuous period that the ominous signs of impending doom began to manifest.

Dark black smoke billowed ominously in the air, casting a foreboding shadow over the land. The distant echoes of bombs reverberated through the atmosphere, a haunting reminder of the imminent danger that lurked just beyond the castle walls. Outside, the once vibrant and bustling kingdom now stood desolate, its windows boarded up as a feeble attempt to shield its inhabitants from the horrors that awaited them.

Inside the castle, chaos ensued. The frantic footsteps of the castle dwellers echoed through the grand halls, their urgency palpable. The only respite from the pandemonium was found in the stillness of those who had yet to awaken from their slumber, blissfully unaware of the impending catastrophe.

I vividly recall the moment when news of the great war reached our ears. Whispers of a mysterious figure, astride a black horse with fiery red eyes and billowing white smoke emanating from its nostrils, circulated among the frightened populace. My father, a seasoned warrior, regaled us with tales of the horrors he had witnessed during his time away at war. His stories painted a vivid picture of the carnage and destruction that awaited those who dared to venture into the battlefield.

My brother, too, had answered the call to arms, leaving our family many years ago to join the fight. His sporadic letters, arriving once every five months or so, became our only lifeline to his well-being. Each passing day, as we anxiously awaited his correspondence, our fears grew exponentially. The uncertainty of whether he would ever return home weighed heavily upon our hearts, casting a dark cloud over our every waking moment.

Amidst the turmoil and despair, there was one beacon of unwavering strength and resilience: my mother, Queen Marianne. Despite her own fears and anxieties, she remained the epitome of calm and composure. When my father returned from the frontlines, burdened with the weight of the war, it was she who provided solace and comfort to our shattered spirits. Her unwavering love and unwavering faith in our family's ability to endure even the darkest of times served as a guiding light in the midst of the storm.

As the war raged on, our once idyllic kingdom was transformed into a battlefield, its beauty marred by the scars of conflict. Yet, through it all, we clung to the hope that one day, peace would prevail. And in the face of adversity, we found solace in the unwavering strength of our family bonds, knowing that together, we would weather the storm and emerge stronger on the other side.

Today, as I awoke to the acrid scent of smoke and the blaring sirens in the distance, my heart sank. The world outside my bedroom seemed to be crumbling, consumed by the chaos of war. Just as I began to gather my thoughts, a gentle knock on my door interrupted my contemplation. "Come in," I called out, my voice betraying a hint of weariness.

In walked our maid, Ulta, accompanied by the women who had played a significant role in my upbringing. A flicker of hope ignited within me as I caught sight of Ulta's familiar face. "Ulta!" I exclaimed, a small smile forming on my lips. Rising from my bed, I made an effort to compose myself, despite the disarray of my thoughts.

However, as Ulta's gaze met mine, I detected a tinge of sadness in her eyes. Concerned, I approached her, hastily tying my robe as I moved closer. "Ulta, what's the matter?" I inquired, my voice laced with genuine worry. Ulta hesitated for a moment, her expression a mix of sorrow and determination. "Your father has made a decision," she began, her voice tinged with a heavy heart. "You and Amira are to seek refuge with the royal family of Gavriel in the kingdom of Aedonyth."

My heart skipped a beat, and my smile faded into a look of disbelief. "I... I refuse!" I exclaimed, my voice filled with defiance. Returning to my vanity, I began to absentmindedly brush my hair, my mind racing with a whirlwind of emotions. Ulta, undeterred, approached me, standing by my side. "My dear, you must understand," she implored gently, her voice tinged with a mix of concern and urgency. "The war draws nearer with each passing day. Your parents want to ensure your safety. You will have companionship and protection in the royal family of Gavriel. They have four children, including two older boys and one who is close to your age."

I glanced down at my trembling hands, my thoughts swirling with a mix of fear and uncertainty. Raising my gaze to meet Ulta's eyes in the mirror, I couldn't help but voice my deepest fear. "Or are they sending me there to be married, to secure alliances and reinforcements?" The room fell silent, the weight of my words hanging heavily in the air. Ulta's expression turned somber, and after a moment, she nodded. "That could be one of the reasons," she admitted, her voice barely above a whisper.

In that moment, the reality of the war and its far-reaching consequences crashed down upon me. The world as I knew it was crumbling, and I was being thrust into a future filled with uncertainty. As I prepared to embark on this journey, I couldn't help but wonder if I would ever return to the life I once knew, or if I would be forever changed by the ravages of war.

I looked back down at my hands and nodded, a sense of determination coursing through my veins. I had always known that my destiny lay in the path of royalty, that I was meant to be a queen and fulfill the duties that came with it. The weight of my responsibilities settled upon my shoulders, and I steeled myself for the challenges that lay ahead.

Ulta continued to braid my hair as we spoke, her hands deftly weaving the strands together. "And what does Amira say of this?" I asked, a hint of amusement in my voice. Ulta couldn't help but chuckle at the thought of my sister, carefree and unburdened by the weight of the crown. "She will be sitting in the sun and painting. How do you think she feels?" Ultra replied, joining in a small giggle. Despite the uncertainties that lay before us, the bond between my sister and me remained unbreakable.

"I will protect her," I declared, my voice filled with determination. "But... do you think I'm ready to become queen?" I asked, my voice tinged with a hint of doubt. I turned to face Ulta, meeting her gaze in the mirror. Ulta bent down slightly, her eyes filled with unwavering faith. "I will not die until I see you become queen," she assured me. A smile spread across my face, and I turned to embrace Ulta, grateful for her unwavering support.

"Alright, let me finish your hair," Ulta said, breaking the embrace. I turned forward, my mind filled with a mix of excitement and trepidation. As Ulta worked on my hair, I reached down and fumbled with the ring my mother had given me when I was a child. It had taken years, but it finally fit perfectly on my finger. The silver ring, adorned with intricate details of a dragon, held a special place in my heart. Its meaning remained a mystery, but I knew it was a symbol of my mother's love and belief in me.

Once Ulta finished my hair, I stood up and began to prepare for our departure. I wore a long dress, its top adorned with delicate lace that faded into the flowing bottom. The bat-like lace sleeves gave the illusion of wings when raised, adding an air of elegance to the ensemble. A dark green ribbon was woven into my braids, hidden beneath a hat that shielded my skin from the sun. I slipped on my boots, the same ones I wore on walks with my sister, and donned a simple coat, fastening the buttons with care.

As I made my way downstairs, I saw Amira waiting for me, her outfit mirroring mine in a deep reddish hue. I hugged my parents goodbye, feeling a pang of sadness at the thought of leaving them behind. They rushed back inside, undoubtedly consumed by the demands of their duties. I held Amira's hand tightly as Arcane, our loyal companion, joined us in the carriage. A sense of relief washed over me as I heard his words, assuring us of his presence and protection.

The carriage began to move, and I watched as our home grew smaller in the distance. The familiar gravel road faded away, and a new chapter of my life unfolded before me. I lay back, my eyes fixed on the diminishing castle, and slowly, exhaustion overcame me. As sleep claimed me, I couldn't help but wonder what the future held in store. Change was on the horizon, and I could only hope that it would bring about a better world for us all.

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